Voodoo Child

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"Christ Ginny, ya' mind letting someone else have the mirror?" Sam laughed pushing Ginny to move over.

"Hey! Watch it!" Ginny exclaimed, "You'll mess up my eyeliner!"

I laughed as I sat on the edge of our tub trying to ease on a pair of stockings. Oddly enough, this was a normal routine for the three of us each Saturday it seemed, tonight, however, there was a new excitement instilled in us all, we weren't going to our normal hideouts...we were going somewhere entirely different.

"Tilly luv, you still haven't told me where we're going" Ginny whined.

"No, I haven't. I intend to keep it that way" I smirked.

"How am I to know what to wear, if I don't know where we're going?" Ginny asked "I can't bloody well wear an outfit I might wear to Bag 'o Nails if we're going to Sybilla's"

"We're going to neither, just wear something trendy, but not overly posh" I advised. Ginny again whined hoping I'd tell her where we were going.

"Honestly Ginny, you know we like larkin' with ya', if ya' don't like it, why hang out with us?" Sam teased.

"I...uh....well..." Ginny thought mockingly.

"Oh come off it Ginny, you like us," I said finally. Ginny simply laughed.

Soon after we were all dressed and ready to go, I'd picked a red blouse, v-neck, sleeves were half way down my upper arm and a black skirt...which was just below mid thigh and had a slit. Of course, to top off any fab outfit, I slipped into a pair of black go go boots. Then threw on a red paisley printed scarf for my hair and was ready to go...at least as ready as I could be.

"Tilly lovey, who are you out to impress?" Ginny teased. I glanced at her wearing her little black Mary Quant dress, Ginny was never one to go unnoticed at our outings.

"You should talk luv!" I laughed as I put on a necklace of hers, it was simple with a large black mod pendant, I took it from her often, she never minded. I glanced at the clock.

"Shite! We need to go!" I said grabbing my bag.

We arrived and parked just after 8 pm.

"Wow..." Ginny said as we made our way to the gate "I feel like I should recognize this place"

I laughed to myself as I buzzed the intercom system.

"Hullo?" a deep Liverpudlian voice sounded through, I recognized it instantly as Mal.

"'Ello, Tilly Beckham, and guests," I said. Paul had briefed me on everything I'd need to know upon entering his home.

"Evening Miss Beckham!" Mal said amiably "Come right in"

The gate opened and we made our way up the front lawn.

"Bloody hell Tilly, where are we?" Ginny asked.

"You'll see..." I grinned. We stood at the front door, I took a deep breath...I could hear the music and people inside, I've always been nervous about meeting new people, but on the same hand, I was excited about all this.

"You'll be fine Tilly, ya' look fab! And we're here if ya' need us" Sam said hugging my shoulders. Ginny still looked confused but nodded all the same. I knocked on the door, hoping one of the fabs would answer.

Well, luck was definitely on my side that night as Paul answered the door excitedly.

"Tilly luv!" He exclaimed pulling me into a hug, forgetting others were around he then kissed me. I smiled into the kiss before realizing I'd forgotten my guests.

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