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  "This will never work..." I sighed, my head resting in his lap. We were outside sitting under a tree for shade, everything in the moment seemed perfect.
"Aw c'mon, Til...we could make it work," he said pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. He grinned "'sides I see how ya' look at me all the time...little wanton hussy that you are"
"Pah! It's you sneakin' looks at me Johnny boy!" I laughed punching his stomach softly.
"You?" he laughed "No, I was sneakin' looks at your Paulie"
I laughed. I enjoyed spending time with John, he and I became close over the few months I had been in the Beatles club. We were constantly joking with each other, but he was also someone I could talk to when I needed advice. It hit me then. I had to ask.
"So what's new in the world of John Lennon?" I asked.
"Seems an odd thing to ask, Miss Tilly...I was working on a new song until you came along and distracted me" he teased.
"Not my fault you're so easily distracted luv," I smiled "What's the song about?"
"I don't know really...we, Paul and I, were singing it to that Prudence bird yesterday afternoon...just to, I dunno' get her out with everyone else....strange little bird" he explained.
"Well, let's hear a snatch of it," I said impatiently.
"You'll have to get out of me lap then luv" he laughed as he reached for his guitar. I sighed in mock protest but sat up.
John began playing a few chords before singing

"Dear Prudence,
Won't you come out to play?
Dear Prudence,
Greet the brand new day.

The sun is up,
The sky is blue,
It's beautiful and so are you"

I enjoyed it. It was very childlike, not in an immature way, but in a way that made me smile.
"That's all I've got right now, what do ya' think?" he asked hopefully.
"I like it. But it definitely needs more" I said.
"My turn for a question; how many times have you and Macca shagged since ya' met?" he asked grinning widely. I blushed and rolled my eyes.
"Sod off..." I laughed.
"Well?" he said expectantly.
"A few...alright?" I rolled my eyes.
"Had to have been at least one time during Magical Mystery Tour" he grinned "Ya' were both a bit happy one afternoon"
"Alright, can we get off this topic?" I laughed.
"Fine then. It's your turn to ask me something" he said.
"Alright, serious question;" I began, I grabbed a small blade of grass and twiddled it in my fingers "What's going on with you and Cyn?"
He frowned slightly.
"Did Paul put you up to this?" he asked.
"No, I put myself up to most things...Paul is concerned, I'm also concerned, thought I'd ask" I explained calmly as I could
"We were really only married because of Julian" he sighed. "It's never been good, well...there's a few moments here and there...I don't know anymore Til.."
"Do you love Cyn?" I asked.
".....I don't know" he said after a long while.
"You should figure that out first," I thought out loud.
"Why do ya' think I'm on my own?" he said sarcastically.
"'Ello Johnny boy," Paul said as he sat down beside me "Tilly luv, you're going to be late.."
"Shite! I almost forgot!" I said getting up in a hurry
"Forgot what?" John asked.
"I've got a session with the Maharishi!" I said as I began running down the path.

My session with the Maharishi had gone well. It was relaxing. I returned to the spot where earlier I'd been chatting with John. Only Paul remained there now, lightly plucking a few notes on his guitar. I sat across from him, he smiled. He was wearing simple cotton blue pants....and no shirt. I wondered if he knew how bloody irresistible he was!
"'lo gorgeous" he smiled as he rested an arm on his guitar
"afternoon luv," I smiled back.
"And how was your session with the Maharishi?" he asked.
"Oh just fine, I'm feeling quite relaxed actually," I said. "What have you been up to this afternoon?"
"Well, writing songs....or at least working on one" he smiled warmly "for you"
" wrote a song for me? You didn't have to..." I said excitedly.
"I wanted to." He said simply.
"Well then let's hear it!" I bit my lip in excitement. I always loved hearing new music. And the thought of having my own song only added to the excitement.
"Alright's taken me awhile to come up with it..." he grinned. He began strumming a few notes before singing:

"Why don't we do it in the road?
Why don't we do it in the road?"

"You bloody pervert!" I laughed. He continued.

"No one will be watchin' us,
Why don't we do it in the road?"

I laughed and shook my head. "And here I thought I was getting a famous Paul McCartney ballad...silly me"
He laughed as well.
"That's not really the song I wrote for ya'," he admitted. Before I could say anything he started playing. I recognized the guitar part instantly, it was the melody he was playing the night I stayed with him during Magical Mystery Tour, the night I began trusting him. I hadn't heard it in months, I still fell in love with the melody. Before I thought it couldn't get any better he began singing;

"Blackbird singing in the dead of night
take these broken wings and learn to fly
all your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these sunken eyes and learn to see
All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to be free.

Blackbird fly,
Blackbird fly,
Into the light of a dark black night

Blackbird fly
Blackbird fly
Into the light of a dark black night

Blackbird singing in the dead of night
Take these broken wings and learn to fly
All your life, you were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to arise"

I bit my lip and closed my eyes, it was a bit emotional...a song of my own, and the lyrics...
"What do ya' think luv?" he asked warmly
"It's beautiful..." I choked out.
He set his guitar aside and sat against the tree. I sat back against him, his arms instantly went around me.
"Sorry ya' didn't get the ballad you were expectin'," he said.
"It's alright, that was even better" I smiled "How'd you come up with it?"
"A lot of events led to it all I suppose," he shrugged "Remember, that night after we'd gone to your parents? You had gotten up that night, and you were had to be well past midnight, you went to the music room...played the piano and you sang for a bit"
I nodded.
"I think that's the beginning of what got my mind turning on the idea," he continued "Then last night there was a little black bird outside our window, singing away...the wee devil made me think of you. It just fell into place, I was up quite late jotting down ideas"
"It's perfect," I said. I closed my eyes, taking in the slight breeze, the smell in the air, the sounds of the leaves, thinking of the song that had just been sung for me. Paul tightened his arms around me, pulling me into a warm hug.
"I love ya' Tilly" he said finally. I smiled.
"I love you too"  


A/N:  I am extremely partial to Blackbird, so it tends to crop up in my writings ;)  Thanks as always for reading, voting, commenting, etc!

Soundtrack: Blackbird - The Beatles

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