Better Man

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  "He is too adorable!" Lucy said as Angus growled and tugged at her sock.
"He knows" I laughed as I brought our tea into the room. "How's your eye?"
"Fine," she said looking back to Angus "Hey Til, I'm really sorry I made you cut your stay in India short"
I sipped at my tea, my lessons for the day were done, I'd already gotten comfy in an old pair of jeans "Don't worry about it lovey, I'm just glad we could help"
"Speaking of help..." Lucy said with a mischievous smirk "Did you ask Paul?"
"Ask Paul what?" I raised an eyebrow, I knew exactly what she meant and I'm pretty sure she expected my reaction. Lucy had already been with us about a week, she'd contacted mum to say where she was which mum did her best to keep it silent, Lucy had said eventually she'd have to tell the rest of the family.
"Bloody hell Tilly! You know full well what I mean!" She said half in jest.
"I do, and you can ask him just as well as I can" I advised.
"You're sharing a bed with him!" She exclaimed.
"And somehow that makes it easier for me to ask him your questions?" I laughed.
"I don't know...I mean," She tried gathering her thoughts "He's not a bloody wedding singer, but god...I want him to sing for us at the wedding...I don't know if I can just outright ask him something so stupid!"
"It's not stupid Luce," I started "Look, you're living here for awhile, Paul is remarkably easy to talk to and he will tell you outright how he feels about it, alright? You're not going to offend him. Just ask when he gets back!"
Lucy, had one evening gotten the idea to have Paul sing Here, there and everywhere at her wedding...she had yet to ask him.
We heard the screams from the gate become louder, which usually meant Paul was home. Martha excitedly ran to the window as Angus followed.

"Martha, down" Paul laughed as he was greeted by an exuberant young sheepdog. I laughed at the display as Martha tried jumping up on him, Angus excitedly barking and nipping at his ankles. I made my way to the front door and picked up Angus.
"I don't think you're helping little guy" I laughed. Angus licked at my face excitedly before squirming to be let down.
"'Ello luv," Paul said as he set his guitar down.
"Evening," I said wrapping my arms around him, his instantly wrapped around my waist as he kissed me.
"By the way," I interrupted our moment "Lucy has a question for ya'".
Lucy shot me a look and went pale white. Paul smiled at her
"What's the question then, luv?" he asked.
"Um...well..." Lucy started "Would you mind if I had Ollie over tonight?"
I laughed. Paul raised an eyebrow at her and cocked his head.
"I'm not yer da' luv," he laughed "If ya' want him over go ahead"
"Great! I'll get the stout ready" I laughed.

Later that evening Paul, myself, Lucy and Ollie were in the music room. We'd all had a few drinks and been having a grand evening, I sat with a guitar working on a few chords Paul had taught me (when he didn't get distracted!).
"Til, I think that's the first time I've seen ya' play something aside from the piano" Lucy slurred slightly.
"Strange isn't it?" I laughed. Paul sat at the piano.
"She catches on quick too" he added as he took another drink.
Ollie would add to the conversation now and then, he had always been a bit quiet and I got the impression he was always a bit nervous around Paul. I told him he really didn't have anything to worry about.
"Has she played 'Rhapsody in Blue' for ya' yet, Paul?" Lucy asked.
"She's brilliant at it!" Ollie added. Ah yes, Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue, one of my favorite pieces, one of the few pieces that really let me show off.
"Yeah, Tilly tried teaching me how to play it....I gave up after watching her play at full speed" Lucy laughed.
"Well, I don't believe you've ever played it for me luv" Paul said looking at me expectantly.
"It's a fifteen-minute long piece!" I laughed "And I'm a tad sozzed..."
"Aw...c'mon Tilly luv," he urged.
"Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen you bashful about playing Gershwin before Tilly" Lucy laughed.
Paul stood up and moved the short distance to where I was sitting, he took the guitar from me and set it against the couch before crouching down in front of me. He gazed up at me, giving me the biggest puppy dog eyes. I always seemed to be lost in his eyes.
"C'mon luv," He pleaded.
"Fine..." I sighed defeated.

I sat at the piano and began the familiar tune. Ever since I was young the feel of the piano keys, knowing I was producing the sound (or at least helping it along) had always been somewhat intoxicating. The piano was my escape, my first love, my soul.  My fingertips flew across the keys as I poured myself into Gershwin's masterpiece, Paul watching every movement. I became a bit lost in the music, almost forgetting anyone was around. It didn't seem as though 15 minutes had gone by until I felt Paul's hands on my shoulders and a kiss on the top of my head.
"That was marvelous luv," he said warmly.
"By the way, Tilly" Lucy added "The slow part to that song, I want you to play it at my wedding...I think it'd be nice when I'm walking down the aisle"
I came back to reality
"It's not exactly traditional music luv," I said
"I know, I don't want it to be....we're living in the 60's sis" she laughed.
"Speaking of weddings," I said turning to face Lucy "Are you ever going to ask Paul your question?"
Paul looked at me curiously. Lucy went pale.
"Bloody hell Til! You're not making this easy..." She said embarrassed
"What's the question luv?" Paul smiled.
"I can't ask it...." She retreated.
"Then I can't very well give you an answer, can I?" he laughed
"He's got a point luv" I said taking another drink.
"Fine..." Lucy sighed. She held onto Ollie's hand "One of my favorite songs you've ever written is 'here, there and everywhere'. I really want it at my wedding and I would be absolutely honored if you'd sing it"
I saw her close her eyes tight, expecting the worst.
"Let me think on it a bit luv," Paul said "I'm not saying no alright? I just don't want things to get out of hand and they could if I even show up"
"You're showing up.." I added. He had been concerned over attending, his concern was always that press would show up and ruin Lucy's day.
Paul laughed and pulled me close to him

"So, what do you think you'll tell Lucy?" I asked as we lay in bed.
"I'm not sure.." Paul admitted
I propped myself so I could face him easier.
"What has you so unsure luv? You can tell me" I smiled. He smiled back at me.
"I mean...I love performing, don't get me wrong, I just sometimes worry if The Beatles end, I'll wind up just singing weddings and various other events and that's not what I want" he confessed "I just don't want this to be the beginning of a nightmare"
"I don't think it will be," I said running my fingers through his hair "I'm not just saying this because I'm with you, but I really don't think the name Paul McCartney will be synonymous with wedding singing and such"
"I still need to think on it....I really don't want it leaked out, especially for Lucy's sake, it's her day" he said finally.
"Whatever you decide, I support ya' luv" I smiled. He kissed me softly. Then stared at me a moment.
"I really do love you, Tilly," he said finally.
"I love you too," I said before nestling into his arms for the night.

"C'mon Tilly" he sighed, his breath was hot on my neck, "I think it's time we move to the next level"
"I don't know luv," I said nervously. Part of me wanted to, the rest of me was terrified. "It's not so easy for me"
"I promise I'll be gentle luv," he said still trying to coax me out of my clothes.
Cedric and I had been dating awhile, however, he had no idea about my past, nor was I sure he cared. I knew it would be hard for me to find anyone better than him and I consented.

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