Lawless - Your Story

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You were friends with Licht Jekylland Todoroki since you were little, you always supported him with playing the piano. You two were close like brother and sister, and like most siblings, you shared a lot of secrets with each other. He trusted you enough to tell you he had a servant vampire, or Servamp, named Lawless. But Lawless and Licht never got along, you usually had to break up the fight before they would hurt themselves.

Today, they were fighting after Lawless spilled a cup of coffee on Licht's boots. You had just walked in the room when they started fighting. You tried telling them nicely to stop, but they couldn't hear you because they were yelling at each other.

"Take a hike, you idiotic hedgehog!" Licht exclaimed while trying to kick Lawless in the face.

"Not today, sucka!" Lawless chirped as he dodged all of Licht's attacks.

"Please, stop," You told them. "This is a stupid thing to fight over! Stop kicking him, Licht!"

"You should really take her advice, Angel Cakes-ow!" Lawless taunted him as Licht continued kicking him. You pulled the two boys away from each other and stood between the two.

"(Y/N)! Why are you protecting that vile demon!?" Licht shouted at you while pointing at Lawless. Lawless started laughing hysterically while patting you on the back.

"Haha, Angel Cakes, she's on my side!" He taunted Licht. "She likes me better than you!" Licht clicked his tongue and started giving him evil glares.

"First of all-" You started.

"She would never like a demon rat like you!" Licht declared.

"Really, then why didn't darling (Y/N) protect you, her dear childhood friend!?" Lawless mocked.

"Shut up!"

"Make me!"

"If anything, stupid rat, I'd be her favorite!"

You grabbed them both by the ear and twisted your hand, making them both yell out in pain.

"(Y/N), Let go, that hurts!" Licht stated.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! (Y/N)!" Whined Lawless.

"First of all," You huffed. "I don't favor anyone over anyone. Second of all, Licht, you shouldn't be quick to kick Lawless in the face every time he says something that makes you angry, just ignore him."

"But he's a dem-" He bickered.

"Lawless," You interrupted. "You shouldn't do things that make him angry. You're acting like you want him to beat you up!"

"But everything ticks little Angel Cakes off!" He told you.

You ignored him and let go of their ears, they started rubbing the sides of their heads and, you didn't mean for it to hurt that much.

"Both of you should take a walk and cool down." You told them. Licht clicked his tongue as if disgusted and stomped out the door and slammed it shut. You turned to Lawless, who was still there. "You need to cool down too, Lawl-"

"Why do you try so hard?" He asks you while adjusting his red-framed glasses.

"What?" You reply, sounding confused.

"Why do you always break up our little fights, it's useless in the end," He continued, suddenly sounding serious. "We'll always fight again. You will always try to stop our bickering, but you'll die without meaning, you'll be forgotten by the world you give your kindness."

You raised an eyebrow and stared at him, baffled by what he just said. A blanket of silence covered you both, you looked down at the floor, than back at him. He chuckled and started to walk away, but you grabbed his arm.

"But at least I tried," You told him. "At least I did something with my life. So what if I'm forgotten?"

He turned his head to look at you, his eyes wide. You let go of his arm and let him leave.


So what if I'm forgotten?

Your words were stuck in Lawless's mind like glue. You have no idea what it was like to be forgotten by the world. You didn't know what happened the her peace in the end, and she died for nothing. She died for a legacy that only lasted for a short while. Lawless sat on the roof, thoughts and memories drowning him like he had fallen into the sea. In a situation like his, it just feels easier to swim down in that ocean and forget the world. He didn't understand why he had fallen in love with you, but his feeling were useless, so he stayed silent.

"Hey!" You shout and he turned to face you. "I thought I'd find you here!"

You shuffled over to him stood next to him, another blanket of silence had occurred. It was like a brick wall was between the both of you. You liked Lawless, liked him more than a friend, you wanted to understand him. In your eyes, he was probably tearing himself apart with this, so you decided to try and put him back together.

"Why don't you care?" He mumbled. "Why don't you care if you're forgotten?"

You stood in front of him and looked him in the eyes. "Lawless, even if you die," You began. "At least on your deathbed you know you tried, and that would be enough... In my opinion, of course. I might be wrong, but... You probably thought someone close to you died without meaning and was forgotten but-"

"You know nothing about being forgotten." Lawless interrupted. "Her efforts were useless! The peace she fought for died with her soon after! Ophelia's efforts were forgotten!"

"No, they weren't!" You protested. "I don't know who Ophelia is, but at least you remember her! You remember all she's done!"

His eyes widened, as you took both of his hands and held them tightly. "In this life, I have learned something," You told him, your (E/C) eyes shining with passion. "You really have no control over who lives or dies in your life, you also have no control over who choses to remembers you and tells your story! But you can only control that if you try to live your life!"

His ruby-colored eyes clearly showed his surprise and his mouth hung open, then he started laughing. You were confused, why was he laughing? Did you say something funny?

"You know, (Y/N)," said Lawless. "I think it's that persistence... That made me fall in love with you!"

Your face turned pink, he felt the same way. You then got closer him and elevated yourself by standing on your toes, and you kissed him. He at first was surprised, then he decided to kiss you back, which made you happy. You two pulled away from the kiss and looked into each other's eyes. You placed one of your hands on his cheek, feeling like the sky's the limit of your happiness.

"I love you too, Lawless."

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