Lawless - Where Land Meets The Sea

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An AU where Lawless is a merman.

The sun's warm glow hit your face as you walked along the deserted beach, the breeze blowing softly and gently as the water licks the golden sand under your feet. Words can not describe how much you loved the beach. The sun. The sand. The clear sky. The ocean. You loved it all. Skipping along the shore as if you didn't have a care in the world, you stumble upon a sea cave on a side of the beach you haven't walked on before.

You touch the cold, wet, and rough surface of the walls of the cave. There were holes and openings that let in light through uneven spots, just enough to light your way. You walk inside the cave, the shade from the sunlight spots cooling you down. You walk further to see a body of water in front of you. The smell of salt water was strong, but not strong enough to be suffocating. There were patches of dry sand and rocks above the water. You walk out towards the sand, the water going up to your ankles, but it got deeper and deeper. You reached the dry sand and rock patch when the water was up to your knees, you climb up on the rock and take out the book you planned to read. The small openings in the cave gave just enough light for you to read the tiny letters.

Ten pages into the book, you felt water splash onto your back. You shouted in surprise as icy-cold salt water hit your skin and soaked your clothes. You thought it was a wave for a moment, but then you realized that the water was calm, no other waves in sight. You set down the book and looked around, under the impression someone was there with you. You scanned the cave, there was nothing around that could cause the splash. You turn back to resume reading your book, but it wasn't there. You looked around on the rock, but your book was no where to be found.

Maybe it fell in the water...? You peer over the ledge, your book wasn't on the sand or floating in the water. You slide off the rock, walking into the blue water, looking for your lost book.

Oh well... You thought as you began to walk back to the beach. When the water was up to your knees, you felt something grab your ankle and trip you. You shriek as you fell into the water, soaking your entire body. You pull yourself up and shake your head to get the water out of your ear.

"Hello?" You shouted, your voice echoing off the walls of the cave.

"Hi there, human," You hear a boy's voice respond. Startled, you turn around to see a boy around eighteen (your age), laying down on a rock, facing you. His hair was blond with brown tips, and his eyes were like two sparkling garnets. He held up your book with a grin on his face.

"Looking for something?" He asks, handing you the book, which was soaked. You shake it off and hold it to your side.

"Thank you." You said, but then, you noticed that something very strange about the boy.

"No problem," He tells you, flipping his shimmering tail. His golden-orange scales glinted in the sunlight like hundreds of gold coins. "What? Never seen merman before?"

"Uh..." You quavered. "No...?"

"You must live under a rock, human," He sassed.

"I just thought merpeople didn't exist," You snapped.

"Well, I'm right here..." He says flipping his tail, showing off that he's not imaginary like in all the fairytales you read as a child.

"Did you splash me?" You asked.

"Yep," He replies with a smirk.

"Why!? I'm soaked now!" You shout.

"Because I like messing with humans who wander in here," He answers.

"Why, though?" You asked, annoyed with this snarky little fish boy.

"Human's reactions are hilarious!" He says, chuckling. "Do you know how many people think they're being attacked by ghosts and run away screaming?"

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