Mikuni Alicein - Odd

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You were raised in a really bad neighbourhood, with extremely high crime rates. You would often hear people get into a fight outside your building, but you weren't bothered by it anymore. You lived there since you were seven, after your father abandoned you and your mother to marry a much wealthier woman.

After your mother's death, you had started practicing magic, which she had forbidden you to do when she was alive. You became a well known witch among people who were aware of witches, giving you the name the 'Witch Doctor'. People had always taken you for a fool, but you were more clever than you lead on.

One night, two men in C3 uniforms came by your shop. You had no interest in the affairs of C3 and their goons, you just wanted to be left alone. You watch them walk up to your door from the upstairs window and one of them rings the doorbell. You hurry down the stairs and open the door, putting on a bright grin.

"Good evening, gentlemen," you said mockingly. "How may I help you?"

"Um... Miss (Y/N) (L/N)?" questioned a boy with blonde hair and brown eyes. He seemed to be be seventeen years old, like you. A black snake was coiling around his neck like an exoitic necklace.

"That's me." You chirped.

"Yes we came here-" the blonde started before he was interrupted by a boy with black hair who was wearing a straightjacket like a prisoner from a mental asylum.

"Hi! I'm Tsurugi Kamiya, and I'm scum that will kill his family for any kind of cash."

"... Good for you, sir." You remark.

The blonde boy looked slightly annoyed by the person standing next to him as he continues his statement. "Anyway, we need your help, C3 wants to recruit you for a combat team." He told.

"Hmmm..." you contemplated. "It's freezing, why don't you come inside Mr....?"

"Mikuni Alicein."

"Nice name for a nice face." You tell him, but he just gives you a odd yet confused expression. Little did he know you were joking with him.

You lead the two boys inside your shop, which was set up like a fortune teller's shop. You tell them to sit at a table with three chairs in the center of the room. It had a purple table clothe that reached all the way down to the floor, the chairs were painted black with somewhat tall legs.

"So what does C3 want with a little fortune teller, like lil' ole me?" You tease as you lean on the table, showing interest in the conversation.

"We are having a few..." Mikuni started. "Complications."

" 'Complications'?" You echo his words. "What, you mean the blood suckers are getting out of hand?"

"Yes, we need your help."

You paused to think about as the tension grew the vines on a wall of a castle. You looked at the two boys, analyzing them to the bone.

The man called Tsurugi was easy to read, he was a carefree man who, as he stated, loved money. But underneath that was a psychotic killer waiting for his potential victim. Mikuni... he seemed to be like you, bored with a few things in life... But, you could feel it in his emotions he gives off, he's seen been through something bad.

You don't trust them. At all.

"... No." You spoke.

The two men look up at you, as if you had just insulted them.

"'No'?" Tsurugi repeated as he got of the chair and stared you down. "Whatever your answer was, we were supposed to bring you anyway." He puts on a grin and his left eye slightly twitches.

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