Misono Alicein - We Meet Again

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July 13, 2012

The sweet, sea breeze blowed from the ocean and onto your face as you walk along the beach, a friend walking behind you. The waves licked the sand on the shore and making your foot prints fill in with sand. The waves peacefully sang as you picked up a small, pink sea shell, you brush the sand of it and held it up to show your friend.

"Look, Misono," You chirp as you hand it to your petite friend. "It's pretty, isn't it?"

Misono examined it and handed it back to you, he nodded in agreement. You had met Misono two years ago, he is ten years old, just like you. Your mother was friends with his parents, so you got to see each other a lot. You and him would sometimes visit the beach not to far from your house, you always had fun, being in the sun and sticking your feet in the water and laughing. But, Misono was oddly quiet today.

"Misono," You ask him. "Is something wrong?"

"... I miss my brother and grandpa..." He paused. "Mother, too."

Your smile bended into a frown, you heard of this from some of the maids at his home. A year ago, Misono's mother had died, and his brother ran away from home. A few months after that, his grandfather became ill and died, you were there for him when he was grieving. His father was still alive, you thought he was nice and that Misono was lucky to have his father around. Your father lives in Scotland, with your younger siblings... And your stepmother. Your step-mother, Mary, was really nice to you, but you just felt like you weren't really close like mother and daughter.

"It's okay to feel that way," You tell him. "But I have to tell you something..."

"What is it, (N/N)?" Misono asked you, he started calling you (N/N) since last year.

You didn't want to tell him, but you didn't want him to not know what happened to you. "I'm going to leave." You said.

"What do you mean by that?" Misono questioned.

"I'm going back to Scotland..." You continued. "To live with my dad."

"But why-" He started.

"He won custody of me." You sighed.

"When are you leaving?"

"... Tonight."

"Tonight?!" He exclaimed. "But it's almost sundown! Will I ever see you again?"

"I don't know." You admitted.

"(Y/N)! It's time to leave!" Your mother calls, her chestnut-brown hair being tossed by the wind. Mikado, Misono's father, was standing beside her. "Say goodbye to Misono!" She says.

You give Misono a charm on a silver chain, the charm was shaped like a four leaf clover. He says that he'll never forget you, you tell him goodbye.

November 4, 2017 5 Years Later

It's been five years since you last saw Misono, you haven't been in contact with him at all. So, he didn't know you were coming back to Japan, seeing him was the first thing on your mind, but you couldn't remember where he lived, nor if he was still in the same town.

Since then, you had become the Eve of the Servamp of Wrath, or "Freyja", as you like to call her. She had become your servamp a few months before you had come back to Japan, she had come with you on the trip.

Because you could barely remember what the town was like and what was where, you just dawdled around the town aimlessly and just taking in the scenery. Freyja accompanied you as you walked throughout the city in her wolf form, you put her on a leash so it would seem like she's a domestic dog. She would often growl at suspicious looking people.

As you walked down a more abandoned street, Freyja started looking around with caution. The sky begins to turn gray, the clouds start to cover the sun. It starts to drizzle, but you liked the rain.

"Freyja, what's wrong?" You ask your Servamp, who was in human form now.

"Something's not right..." She trailed off. A pink and black butterfly came out of no where and landed on your nose. Freyja narrowed her eyes at the insect and started to get a little more close to it. The little butterfly screamed and started to fly away down an alley, Freyja went after it and you followed her.

You rounded a corner to see a familiar petite boy with purple hair and pale skin. You stopped in your tracks as Misono Alicein sat in a tall chair, giving you the most disgusted glare you've ever seen.

"Eve of Wrath," He addressed you, maybe he didn't recognise you after five years. "You're coming with us..." A tall, blonde man was waving to you, you waved back at him, giving a kind grin. Misono glares up at the man and he immediately stopped and just leaned nonchalantly on the chair.

The man mouths 'Sorry about him', you mouth 'It's fine'. The man's face turns pale, he looks scared and backs up about two feet, you look behind you to see Freyja shooting the man a glare. You raise an eyebrow as she notices you looking at her, and turns her head away from your gaze, you get your attention back onto the conversation.

"... But what if I don't want to...?" You said, you wanted to to have a little fun with this.

"You're coming with us either way." He states.

"You shouldn't bring a stranger home, you know that, right?" You tease.


"You never know if they're a serial killer or not..." You told him with a dark look on your face, Freyja put her palm to her face and shook her head.

"You're obviously not a serial killer." He huffed as he folded his arms.

"I could say the same about you, dude."

You noticed that he's wearing a silver chain around his neck, with the clover charm you had given him five years ago. Maybe he's worn it a couple a times since you've left home.

"Nice necklace," You compliment. "Where did you get it?

"None of your business." He sassed as tucked the charm in his shirt, as if it was out of sight you wouldn't ask about it again.

"Was it from your crush or something?" You teased.

"N-no!" He said. "She was just a really good friend... But she's not around anymore." You felt a weird twist in your heart.

"So it was from a girl!" You pretend to be surprised.

"Can we stop talking about this, please?!"

You shrug your shoulders, and turn your attention back to Misono. "So... What do you want?

"We need your help..." He explains, somewhat annoyed. "To kill a vampire named Tsubaki."

"You know..." You start, ignoring his statement. "Maybe if you asked nicely the first time, I would've been willing to help you."

"Are you kidding me?!" He scoffs. "You do realise Tsubaki is going after the Servamps and their Eves, right?"

"Just kidding." You told him.

"You act like a commoner," He says, you didn't know if he was trying to insult you or was trying to state the obvious.

"I don't remember you talking to me like that when we were kids, Misono." You say to him.

"What are you talking about?"

"You really don't remember me, do you?" You blurted.

"No, I don't!" He barked.

"I'll give you a three choice question as to who I am." You tease. "I am either A. (Y/N) (L/N), B. (Y/N) (L/N), or C. (Y/N) (L/N)."

Misono just stares at you, his eyes wide and his eyebrows were ten inches in the air. "Wait," He finally says. "You're (Y/N)? The one I knew five years ago? That (Y/N)?"

"In the flesh! So..." You state as you flash him a grin. "What did I miss?"

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