Kuro and Lawless - Words That Remained Unsaid

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Lawless has despised Sleepy Ash for centuries, but it wasn't always that way. They used to be close, but, over the centuries they drifted apart to the point Lawless hated Sleepy Ash... For murdering their creator, the closest thing the Servamps had to a parent. But, that was not the only reason they have bad blood, it happened long before the letter for the request to kill the creator even arrived. But, as the narrator, I have to take you back, many centuries ago...


Sleepy Ash lazed around on a hill, wild flowers poking out of the ground with their sweet scent making him feel drousy. The mid-Spring sun warmed his black fur, that seemed to glow in the daylight. He curled into a ball under the warmness, letting the fragrant flowers lull him to sleep. His eyes shut, his breathing slowed, and soon enough he was asleep... But, not for long. He woke up to the sound a scream and saw a girl tumble down the side of the hill, eventually landing in a patch of flowers at the bottom.

I could help her, but... He thought, yawning. That would be too troublesome. The girl's head popped out of the flower patch, her (H/C) hair messy with leaves and flower petals stuck to them. She scrambled to her feet, brushing off her light-maroon dress and grabbing her bag off the ground. She made her way up the hill before stopping halfway to the top, she sat down, pulling out a book and a pencil. She opened the book and began to draw something, but Sleepy Ash could care less to find out, all he wanted to do was sleep. But, he couldn't stop looking at her, he wasn't afraid to admit she was pretty. He was captivated with her (E/C) eyes, they seemed to have a glimmer to them. He soon shook off the thought and laid his head down to rest on his paws and shut his eyes, hoping to get some sleep.


Lawless walked down the streets of the city, looking for his Eve.

"Ophelia!" Lawless yelled out, but there was no answer. He called out her name a few times more, but there was no sign of his current master. Ophelia is the crown princess of the country, she was an adult and mature, but she was now playing a childish game Lawless called 'Find Ophelia before the king gets angry'. Eventually, he spotted Ophelia's blonde pony tail from across the street. He marched over to the princess and grabbed her hand.

"Oh, you found me," Ophelia said as she turned to look him in the eye.

"Ophelia, where have you been!?" Lawless questions, worry in his tone. "It's almost sundown!"

"Sorry, I was just speaking with (Y/N), is all." She replied, a smile on her face.

"And who is that?" He asks.

"Her." Ophelia gestures to a girl Lawless didn't even notice. She looked around eighteen, with (H/C) hair and gorgeous (E/C) eyes.

"Hello," (Y/N) greets.

"She sells her artwork on this street corner." Ophelia explains. "She's a great artist. May he see your sketch book?" Ophelia asked, her friend thought about it for a moment before handing it to her. Ophelia opened the old leather book, letting Lawless look over her shoulder. There were all kinds of sketches, trees, buildings, animals, they were all in this book and drawn with a neat hand.

"These are amazing..." Lawless thought out loud without realising, the girl's face flushed with a bashful expression.

"Th-Thank you," (Y/N) thanked.

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