Chapter 2.

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Izzy added Clary, Jace, Alec, Magnus and Simon to a group chat

Thanks for leaving me alone yesterday. I'll remember this next time one of you needs me for something

In my defence, I wasn't hungry

Jace, I don't really think the pizza you ate agrees with you ;)

Seriously? You guys ditched my cooking for some unhealthy pizza?

We had salad on the pizza if that makes you feel better


Don't be grumpy Isabelle. Someone can fall in love with your smile :)

Please, shut up

I agree with Jace. That's my little sister you're taking about

So what? You're allowed to date whoever you want but I'm not?

Basically, yes

Well that's very unfair of you Alexander. I think that miss Lightwood here should be able to date whoever she wants to

Thank you Magnus ❤️ In times like this, I know that I always can count on you

If you don't want to sleep on the couch tonight Magnus, I deeply recommend that you agree with me

Very well then. My apologies Isabelle, but I'm not in the mood to sleep on the couch tonight

I didn't know that the high Warlock of Brooklyn took orders from a Shadowhunter?


Since no one is threatening me with sleeping on the couch, I agree with Magnus. Love is love

How adorable Clary. Let me just go and throw up some rainbows

Respect Clary 💪🏻

Love is love? Says the girl who thought she was in love with her brother

It's getting hot in here

At least I was able to show my emotions while you were still hiding in the closet. Speaking of the devil, how was Narnia?


This conversation is truly enjoyable but I got better things to do in my life

Yeah, like what?

It's not like you're wasting your time or something anyways. You know, being immortal and all

Well my immortal ass is bored and since it looks like this conversation is far from over, I'm going to leave

Magnus left the group chat

Please Alec, update me on why you're in love with him now again

Oh shut up Jace

Alec left the group chat

Anyone else that has noticed that whenever one of them leaves, the other one leaves too?

OTP goals ❤️

Hello there guys😇 If anyone has any ideas of what they would like to read, it's just to write a little comment or DM me and I'll see what I can do😊



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