Chapter 111.

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Jace added Magnus, Clary, Simon, Alec and Izzy to a group chat

Do you guys want to know what I have been thinking about for like one week straight? Whatever, I'm going to tell you all anyways. What's scarier, Magnus after someone hurts Alec, or Alec after someone hurts Magnus?

I'm 100% sure that Magnus would be scarier after some hurt Alec. Mostly because he has scary ass magic

Trust me, Alec would be a lot scarier after someone hurt Magnus. I have known him ever since he was a kid and he has sacred me more than once

You all should be scared of me

Well, I agree with Simon. I feel like Magnus would probably turn the person who hurt Alec into a rat or something

Oh no, Clarissa. That's a way too good punishment. I would probably do something much worse

Magnus ♡

So if I would punch Alec in the face, you wouldn't turn me into a rat?

No, I would turn you into a piece of crap so you can match your personality


No one should mess with the High Warlock of Brooklyn and his boyfriend, the head of the New York institute

What a power couple ♡

Oh yeah, totally


Jace left the group chat

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Jace left the group chat

I have never appreciated you this much before, Alec. Keep slaying!

Alexander, you just gave me the best idea ever. Thank you so much!

Magnus left the group chat

Is it weird that I feel extremely scared that he left the group chat, like something bad is about to happen?



What? Are you okay?


This is seriously the best day of my life. Magnus Bane, my hero

Hello there guys😇 How are you all? It would mean the world to me if you all could check out my new Malec // one shot book. I have already written four (???) chapters and I'm actually really proud over the book so far😄

I love you all so much and thanks for always supporting me❤️



Q: Who would be scarier if someone would hurt the other, Magnus or Alec?
A: I would say Magnus🙈

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