Chapter 88.

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Lucian added Magnus, Alec, Jace, Clary, Simon, Izzy and Raphael to a group chat

Can someone please tell me where Raphael and Magnus are hiding? There is an important downworlder meeting and as the High Warlock of Brooklyn and the leader of the biggest clan of New York, they both have to be there

I would bet 100$ that Magnus is with Alec and Raphael is probably with Izzy

For your information, I'm with Simon

He's mad at me because I sneaked in Maia at Hotel Dumort. Apparently werewolves aren't allowed there

I don't care where you are, Raphael. All I care about is that you get your ass over to the meeting. Meliorn is hysterical

Why does he want to have a meeting anyways? It's not like the world is moving towards its end

He's hypochondriac

He's also a idiotic cheater who deserves nothing more than death

I'll tell him that. Now, where's Magnus?

He's sleeping

Damn, it's almost 1pm. Alec, what have you done to him?

Fuck off

Alec, can you please wake him up before Meliorn decides to slaughter us all?


I still don't understand why Meliorn wants to have a stupid meeting

Do we ever understand why Meliorn wants something? He's weird

Says the guy who gets turned on while watching Star Wars


The weirdness is strong with this one

Can someone explain to me why the hell my phone is being abused by your stupid text messages? I'm sleeping!

A more correct answer would be that you were sleeping. Past tense, not anymore

Perfect, you're awake. There's a meeting for the downworlders and you and Raphael has to be there

To quote Hamlet, act III, scene III, paragraph 92, "no"

Damn #SassyMagnus

I'm not kidding, Bane. If you're not at the meeting I'm 5 minutes, I'll drag you there myself. This is your only warning

Harsh man

Wait, if it a meeting for the downworlders of New York, why am I not invited?

Because you're not important

It's only for the leaders, Simon


Magnus, have you made your decision?

I hate you all so much. Fine, I'll be there in 2 minutes

Magnus left the group chat

I'm going to kick Meliorn's ass for calling this stupid meeting

Raphael left the group chat


I'll talk to you guys later

Lucian left the group chat

I'm going to bed

Aye, not before you tell me what you and Magnus did yesterday *wink* *wink*


Alec left the group chat

Well, what did you expect? It's not like he was going to tell you

I can always dream

Hey guys😊 My phone is finally working again like it should. How are you all?

I want you guys to know that I love you all so much and thanks for always supporting me❤️




Seriously, I don't know what to say. You guys are the best and I couldn't do this without😇

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