Chapter 85.

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Izzy added Alec, Magnus, Jace, Clary and Simon to a group chat

Care to explain, anyone?

[Izzy]Care to explain, anyone?

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By the angel, Izzy. Did you seriously have to show everyone this picture?

Well, what can I say? It's too cute not to show everyone

Im confused. I thought you guys hated each other?

We do

You have a really strange way to show hate for people, Jace

In my defence, the weather is too hot today and since vampires are cold on both the inside and the outside, I decided to hug myself cold again

The benefits of being a vampire

In my opinion, no one of you looks like you're suffering. You both actually look rather happy. I ship it ♡

The picture is adorable but I rather not have my boyfriend stolen from me

Don't worry, Clary. I'm all yours ♡

How romantic

Agree. Let me just go and threw up some rainbows and glitter

Couples who diss together, stay together

#Malec ♡

I'm having a hard time deciding what's better. #Malec or #Jimo

Are you kidding me? #Malec is much better than that stupid thing

I agree that #Malec is better than #Jimon but come on Alec. We all know that the best ship around here is #Clace

I ship #Sizzy ♡

Simon, what about Maia. Have you guys broken up or something?

No, we're still together. I just think that #Sizzy is better than #Clace

I can't believe we're seriously having this conversation. Am I the only one who thinks it's weird?

I can't believe that Jace thinks #Clace is better than #Malec

#Clace is better than #Malec

No way!

I'm a part of #Clace and even I agree that #Malec is better

#Malec wins bitches ♡

Alexander, I'm really happy that you're supporting our relationship, but haven't you gone a little bit too far?

No, I haven't

Alec is number one #Malec fan

After me, of course ♡

I would like to see myself very high up on that list too #Malec

Hey guys😇 How are you all? I'm starting to run out of ideas so it would mean the world to me if you guys could DM me requests about what you would like to read

I love you all so much and thanks for always supporting me❤️

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