Chapter 118.

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I'm extremely sorry that I didn't answered when you called earlier this morning, but I was at a really important meeting. Is everything alright?

Yes, don't worry about it

Then what is it?

I just wanted to call and say that I can't attend our date later tonight


I'm sorry

Did I do something wrong?

Of course not, my dear. No matter what you do, you'll never do anything wrong

Magnus, what's going on?

I don't feel very good at the moment and since I don't want to infect you, I think it's better that we cancel our date tonight

Wait, you don't feel good? Why didn't you tell me? What's wrong?

It's just a migraine, Alexander. Don't act like the whole world is ending

But you are my whole world

Alexander ♡

I don't care that you don't want to infect me, I'm coming over

No, I need you to stay healthy

What about me? I need you to stay healthy too you know

I can take care of myself ♡

I know that you can take care of yourself, Magnus, but can you please let me do it once in a while?

Don't you have any more meetings to attend today?

I don't care about the stupid meetings, I care about you. I'll be at your apartment in 10 minutes with hot soup

Thank you

I would do anything for you, Magnus. I love you so much ♡

I love you too

Hello there beautiful people☺️I decided to update a little bit earlier today so you guys don't have to be up around midnight🙈

I love you all so much and thanks for always supporting me❤️



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