Chapter 4.

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Simon added Izzy, Jace, Magnus, Alec and Clary to a group chat

One question: if I would stab Alec with a knife, would Jace feel it too?

What the heck?

Simon, why in the angels name do you want to stab Alec with a knife? What has he done this time?


Oh my god, just answer the question. Will Jace feel the pain too?

Yes you idiot

I would appreciate it if you didn't stab my brother with a knife, thank you

Don't worry Izzy, I don't want to hurt your brother. I only want to hurt Jace :)

I think you will hurt me pretty bad if you stab me with a knife

Why don't you just stab Jace? I mean, what's the point with going through Alec?

Because Alec is a lot easier to sneak up on. Jace would notice me and probably slit my throat or something and I would appreciate if that didn't happen

You're damn right about that

Stab my man and you will regret it for the rest of your life, vampire


Magnus, what the hell have you done to Alec?! He's sent a heart?! He's never sending hearts?!

Jace, calm the fuck down. It's only a heart. It's not like the world is ending or something

He's just jealous because I never have sent him a heart :)

Roasted again, Shadowhunter

HAHAHAHAHA. Me? Jealous? Let's not forget who Alec loved first

Jace, shut up

First of all, I didn't love you

That demon showed different. No need to feel embarrassed though. If I were you, I would love me too

It doesn't matter anymore because he lovED you. Past tense. That hot piece of ass is only mine now <3

My OTP strikes again ❤️

Anyways, why do you want to hurt Jace?

Because he's annoying..?

If we seriously would be allowed to stab people because they're annoying, your body would be destroyed a VERY long time ago

Why can't you guys ever grow some balls and be friends? Everyone else is getting along, why aren't you?

He's a douche. Why would I want to be friends with him?

Because I'm hot..?

Me and my bro Magnus can change that thought of yours in seconds so if I were you, I would shut up

Sorry, what?

You can make him ugly, right? I mean, you can flip those fingers of yours, cast a spell and make him ugly?

Duh. Bitch please. I'm the high Warlock of Brooklyn, of course I can do that. Seriously, what did you even think?


Oh you're such an old man Alexander. Have some fun once in a while

I have fun

Yeah, when? Last time I checked, you follow all the rules

Don't even ask Izzy. He's probably having a lot of fun together alone with Magnus, if you know what I mean


True though


Guys, one more question. If Alec and Magnus has sex, does Jace feel it?

I hope the fuck not

I feel like I just have had sex with Jace. Wow, this is weird. I'm going to get a drink. Anyone want some? No? Good

Magnus left the group chat

I'm beyond disgusted. Please, let us pretend that this conversation never happened and move on


Oh come on, it was a good question

Next time Simon, keep your questions to yourself. How about that?

You guys are boring

I have legit no idea what the hell this is😂 I hope you're all doing okay and keep those happy thoughts going because nothing is more important than happiness❤️


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