Chapter 8.

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Izzy added Clary, Jace, Alec, Magnus and Simon to a group chat

Listen up guys. Since my and Alec's parents are staying with us at the institute for a couple of days, we can't have anyone running around like a maniac. Understand? I'm directing this messages mostly towards Jace and Simon

Why me?

Duh, what the hell do you think? It's because you're annoying

You have your entire life to be a jerk Jace. Why not take today off?

Wow, look at that. Remember when I asked for your opinion? Me neither

Guys, that's enough

See? This was exactly what I was talking about. We can't have the two of you fighting while mum and dad are here. It won't make our reputation any better

It's not my fault that he can't handle all my awesomeness ;)

Simon, do you ever wonder what life would be like if you'd gotten enough oxygen at birth?

Jace, I would appreciate it if you didn't trash talk my best friend. Thank you

This is intense

The warning is for you too Magnus. Please, behave until mum and dad have left the institute

Me? Behave? Always

Wow Magnus, that's almost hilarious

Yeah? Bitch please, keep talking. I only yawn when I find something super interesting

Jace, why can't you get along with anyone? It's not even that hard


Real mature of you

Shut up, Warlock


Seriously? If you guys are supposed to be my brother and my boyfriend, you have to get along. Got it?


Sorry, what? I didn't get that. You see, I don't speak bullshit

This conversation escalated quickly into the opposite direction. Please, behave

Oh, you don't have to worry about me miss Lightwood. I won't put my foot at the institute as long as Maryce is there. You have my word ;)

Why is that?

Please, have you all forgotten that she hates me more than anything?

She doesn't hate you Magnus <3

Alec's right. Mother doesn't hate you. She's just a little bit mad because you interrupted her sons wedding :/

Perfect taming, loverboy

You know, it's kind of hilarious watching you try to fit your entire vocabulary into one sentence


Simon has been removed from the group chat by Jace

Fine, this led me to no choice. If you guys can't keep it together while mum and dad are here, I'm going to cook dinner for a whole month. Guess what? You'll have to eat it

Izzy, that's torture


You guys should have thought about that before you opened your mouths and let out a lot of bullshit. Huh, it's true what they say. Revenge tastes good ;)

My apologises Isabelle. You have my fully trust that I will behave as long as Maryce and Robert are staying at the institute

Thank you, Magnus ❤️

It's easy to make a promise, Warlock. The hard part is to keep it

Okay, that's enough. Jace, stop trash talking my boyfriend


Boom, baby ;)

Anyways, how long will your parents stay at the institute?

Extremely short, I hope


They're going to stay just a couple of days. It's Max birthday tomorrow, remember?That's the reason why they're staying in the first place

I love Max <3 He's adorable

Excuse me?

Oh don't worry my little cupcake. You're my favourite Lightwood <3

Good to hear <3

Guys, this is group chat

Oh shut it you Malfoy wannabe

Magnus left the group chat

What did he just call me?

He's right though. You kinda look like a grown up Malfoy ;)


Who the hell is Malfoy?

In the name of the angels. Jace, have ever seen Harry Potter?

Harry who..?

Jace has been removed from the group chat by Clary

How dare he?

I see now why you're friends with Simon


Oh shut up

Hey guys😄 Oh my god, this turned out a lot longer than I thought it would. What do you guys think? If someone of you have any idea of what you would like to see happen, just send me a DM or comment and I'll see what I can do☺️

I love you all so much and thank you guys for supporting me❤️



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