Chapter 10.

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Simon added Jace, Clary, Magnus, Alec and Izzy to a group chat

I just arrived at the institute and no one is here. Seriously, where are you guys?

I'm out with Raphael

I'm not going to tell you where I am

Wow, real mature of you

Are you always such an idiot, or du you just show off when I'm around?

You always bring me so much joy Jace, especially when you leave the room

Can you guys for just one moment not fight and be nice? Please?

It depends if the downworlder can stop being such an idiot

I'd tell you how I really feel, but I wasn't born with enough middle fingers to express myself in this case

100 points to my best friend. He got you this time Jace ;)

Clary, where are you?

I'm out with my boys :)

[Alec] That was a truly horrible picture of me

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That was a truly horrible picture of me

Why am I not invited to your hangout? Besides, looking good Magnus ;)


Clary, since when do you hangout witch Alec? I thought you guys couldn't stand each other?

Well, I don't want to kill her anymore so I guess that's a progress

Wow, good for you Alec. Do you want a gold star or do you want me to kiss the ground you're walking on?

Yes please


I'm still mad that you guys didn't invite me. We could have so much fun :(

It wasn't really planned that we would hang out the three of us, but I met them at the coffee shop down the street :)

Meaning, she ruined our date

I did not!

Sweetie, you did ;)

Oh my god, Alec? Why didn't you tell me you were going on a date? I could have helped you get dressed

Yeah, that's exactly why I didn't tell you

You're such a buzzkill :(

I think we all can agree that Magnus looks hot as hell without makeup, right?


From sassy ➡️ cupcake in no time

Oh god, I'm too old for compliments

Right, I forgot that my brother is dating a grandfather

At least I'm getting some, unlike you ;)


You go big brother


Besides, stop hitting on my boyfriend guys. I'm the only one who is allowed to compliment him

Alexander <3

OTP goals ❤️

Can we all just take a minute of silence and appreciate the fact that Harry and Matt are both hot as hell? Seriously, HOT DAMN



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