Chapter 74.

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Dorothea added Clary, Alec, Simon, Jace and Izzy to a group chat

I have stabilised Magnus condition and he will be just fine. It's good that you guys contacted me as fast as you did, otherwise things could have ended different. I'm taking him back to his loft where he has to rest for a while. He's almost out of power and still very weak

Thank you so much, Dot ♡

I'm coming too

I don't think that's such a good idea. Magnus needs to rest and having you in his apartment won't make things easier

Are you serious right now? Magnus is my boyfriend, of course I have to be there for him when he wakes up

I don't want to sound rude or anything, but you have no rights to meet him at the moment. Magnus is my best friend and we have known each other for centuries. I trust him with my life and so should you, but you don't. You got mad at him for no reason and now he's hurt

Guys, don't. We have a lot more important stuff today than fight

Izzy's right

No, you know what? I don't care that you have known Magnus for centuries. I love him more than anything, and I would sail the freaking world for him. Fine, I have been a total douche these last couple of days and I regret it, but what am I supposed to do? I can't turn back time so just shut the fuck up about it and let me support my boyfriend


Excuse me?

Alec, don't be a bitch

Do you seriously think that Magnus wants to talk to you after everything you've done? He has always trusted you, but you couldn't even return the favour. I'm going to tell one thing, Alexander Lightwood. I flirted with Magnus not that long time ago, and he turned me down. He said that he was in love with you, so you can take that attitude of yours and show it up your freaking ass

Guys, stop fighting!

Please, let me talk to him

Like I said before, he's not in a good condition to talk to anyone. You have to wait until he wakes up and see if he wants to talk to you or not


Alec left the group chat

Maybe this conversation didn't turn out as it was supposed to do, but Dot, we're extremely thankful that you helped us with Magnus. We couldn't have done it without you ♡

No worries, Clary

Yeah, thanks. I'll go and make sure that Alec doesn't kill anyone

Jace left the group chat

He's going to be okay, right? Magnus is going to be just fine?

Yes. He's the High Warlock of Brooklyn, you can't get rid of him that easy. Besides, he's the strongest person I know. He'll get through it

That's wonderful news ♡

Hey guys😇 I'm sorry for making Dot sound a little bitchy, but I love her friendship with Magnus

Alec is obviously stressed about the whole situation and even if he and Magnus had a fight before everything happened, he still worries about his boyfriend🙈

I love you all so much and thanks for always supporting me❤️



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