Chapter 33.

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Magnus added Simon, Jace, Alec, Clary and Izzy to a group chat

First my dog and now my cat? I seriously have to learn to lock the door

[Magnus]First my dog and now my cat? I seriously have to learn to lock the door

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What can I say? Animals adores me

I don't think that goldfish you had when you were 12 agrees with you, Jace

Oh my god, I remember that. Didn't it die the day after you got it?


How did you manage to get it killed after the first day? That's impossible

Let me guess, too much food?

Basically, yeah. It's not my fault that he couldn't handle the food

Remember me not to ever let you feed my cats or my dog

Jace, are you still hanging around at Magnus apartment?

Yeah, why?


Wow, harsh man

Why? Are you and Magnus going to have some fine when you're back?

No, we just don't like your company


Can't you guys go somewhere else? I really enjoy staying here

Trust me, I have noticed

Jace, you remember that it's my apartment, right?

Obviously not

Yes, I do

Good, then remember who's the boss

Go Magnus :)

Fine, I'll leave. Not yet though. I still have time until Alec gets here

I'm warning you Jace, 10 seconds

You guys are no fun

Jace left the group chat

Why is he even staying at Magnus apartment? He's perfectly welcome to stay at the institute

Well, I'm not complaining

I do

I fell off my bed and hit my head👍🏻 Ten points to me🙈 How are you all? Good? PERFECT

I love you all❤️


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