Chapter 42.

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Hey, I just finished my training with Jace. Are you doing something important or do you maybe want to grab some lunch with me?

Lunch sounds lovely, especially with you. Unfortunately, I'm a little bit busy

Yeah, are you having a client?

Not really

Okay, then what is it? Last time I checked, the world wasn't ending

Trust me, this is much worse than the ending of the world

Dammit. You're with Simon, aren't you?

The one and only

[Magnus]The one and only

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He insisted that he would dress me today and he wouldn't let me wear any makeup. I feel like a Mundane

You're beautiful, Magnus ♡

Oh shut up, you're just saying that because I'm your boyfriend

No, you truly are beautiful

Alexander ♡

Besides, I don't think any Mundane look that hot in a jeans jacket

You make me blush, Alexander

I'm just being completely honest. I guess I have Simon to thank for this

He can be useful sometimes

Yeah, sometimes. He's usually extremely annoying


Well, I guess I have to eat lunch all by myself then since my boyfriend got kidnapped by a vampire

I heard that Isabelle was going to cook for the institute today

Fucking shit! I have to leave right now

You better run, Shadowhunter

Trust me, I'm good at running

That's not the only thing you're good at

Was that supposed to come out as sexually as it did, or?

No, you pervert. I meant that you're good at a lot of things, like slaying demons


Alexander Gideon Lightwood, I didn't know that you were the dirty minded type. Interesting

Don't. Even. Dare. Think. About. It. Magnus. Bane.

You love me

I do ♡

I love you too, Alexander

Can we just appreciate the fact how freaking hot Harry looks in a jeans jacket? I mean, damn😻

How are you all today?

I love you guys so much❤️



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