Chapter 18.

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I'm bored, Alec. When are you done training with Jace?

Well, I would be done quicker if you didn't text me every 5 second ;)

Why do you even have to train? I mean, you're already 10/10

Magnus, I need to stay in shape and be prepared to protect the institute

That's why you have your powerful Warlock boyfriend by your side ;)

What if my powerful Warlock boyfriend can't stay by my side all the time? Then I have to be ready to fight by myself

I still don't get why you have to practice for hours, especially with Jace

No, it can't be true. Are you, Magnus, Bane, high Warlock of Brooklyn, jealous?

Wow, that's almost hilarious. Why would I be jealous of a Shadowhunter?

I don't know, why would you? Last time I checked, you're the only one I want <3

I'm dying inside

[Alec] Magnus, what are the three of you doing in Izzy'a room?

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Magnus, what are the three of you doing in Izzy'a room?

Well, it started with that i was supposed to help Izzy with something and than Maryse came along

And you decided to take a picture with them because..?

Because I'm hot and should be photographed at least once a day ;)

Can't disagree on that <3

Promise me that you'll hurry. I miss you so much and Maryse wants to take more selfies with me and Izzy 

I promise but first, I'm just going to kick Jace ass :)


Hola amigos😊 How are you all? I'm beyond exhausted but I feel proud that I succeeded with updating one more chapter today😇

I love you all so much. Seriously, you guys are adorable❤️



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