Chapter 60.

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Jace added Clary, Magnus, Izzy, Simon and Alec to a group chat

I'm bored. Does anyone want to hang out with me and do something fun? Like slay some demons or rob a bank?

Your definition of fun is a lot more different than mine. Why do you want to rob a bank? Aren't you guys rich?

We are

It's not like we need money anyways. We have everything we need at the institute

Robbing a bank wouldn't even be fun since we can glamourise us so the mundanes can't see us


Besides, I'm busy

Yeah, with what?


I've promised Luke that I would eat with him and his pack today

Adorable, really

Such a sarcastic little shit, aren't you?

Alec, you don't know the half of it

Whatever. Magnus? Izzy? Alec? Do you guys want to hang out with me?

Should I feel hurt by the fact that you didn't ask me?


Sure, I can hang out with you. Only if you promise me that we'll do something funnier than robbing a bank though because honestly, I'm not interested

I promise. Magnus? Izzy?

I can't

Me neither

Magnus, what are you doing?

Agree. Didn't you just come back from Barcelona? I know that you're the High Warlock of Brooklyn, but come on. Even Magnus Bane needs a break

Speaking of Barcelona, how did it to?

It could have turned out worse. Raphael really did piss Joshua off but like Simon said, I'm Magnus Bane. I'm unstoppable

I'm beyond happy that you're back but Magnus, I'm asking you one more time. What are you doing?


Honey, trust me. If I would tell you, you wouldn't believe me

Try me


[Izzy] What the heck?

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What the heck?

No, you're right. I wouldn't believe you

Magnus, are you voluntarily hanging out with Maryse?

Not really

I don't know if I should laugh or cry over the fact that you're seriously hanging out with my mother

I would cry

Me too

What are you guys even doing?

Honestly? I don't know. She texted me and said "we needed to talk"

Great. My boyfriend is going to get brutally murdered by my mother

Thanks, Alexander

Magnus, you have to tell us everything when you guys are done

If he even is alive when Maryse is done with him

You guys are so nice to me

It's a gift :)

Hey guys😇 What do you all think Maryse wanted to talk to Magnus about? Comment what you think

I love you all so much and thanks for always supporting me❤️



(If you love SH and ship Malec, check out my other book "Together by faith". I'm seriously really proud over it so far)

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