Chapter 3.

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I swear to the angels Magnus. Please don't ever leave me alone again with them. Especially not in a group chat. They're horrible

Well unfortunately my love, you don't choose your family

That's why I'm beyond happy that I have you in my life Magnus. I don't know what I would do without you

You would probably be dead

Okay, that's not true

Shut up. I totally helped you guys with Valentine and last time I checked, I saved your ass when we were fighting those dragon demons that wanted to see your pretty ass dead ;)


Wow, I feel so extremely appreciated at this very moment. Thank you so much Alec. I love you too

If you love me so much, why did you leave me alone with freaking Clary, Jace, Izzy and Simon?

Okay listen pretty boy, I wasn't the one who threatened you to sleep on the couch. I call that pure revenge

You're such a child Magnus

If I'm a child, you're a rapist

See? Child

Why am I in love with you now again?

Because I'm a saint

Alexander, I hate to say this but you're absolutely not a saint

Yeah, and why not?

Alec my love, you're gay

So what? Just because I'm gay and having sex with a man, I'm not a saint?

I love how you never would say that one year ago. I have corrupted you ;)

How do you know I wasn't corrupted before we met?

Bitch please. I'm literally rolling my eyes right now. You were the most innocent cupcake I ever met

Yeah, you're right :)


[Alec] Magnus, where did you get that picture?

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Magnus, where did you get that picture?

That my dear, is a secret

Let me guess, Izzy?


She's such a traitor

You're boyfriend material


I have the best idea ever for when I'm going to propose to you :)

Wait what? You're going to propose to me? When? How? Why?

Oh my dear Alexander, I think you know why. Even you aren't that stupid

What makes you think I would say yes?

I'm the high Warlock of Brooklyn. Would you say no?

Never in a million years <3

See, one year ago you would never write a heart. I have totally corrupted you

I guess you have ;)


Just so you know, you're husband material too ;)

Hey guys😻 Some Malec fluff for you guys because who doesn't love those two together?



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