Chapter 7.

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Jace added Magnus, Alec, Clary, Simon and Izzy to a group chat

Magnus, I'm going to murder you

Fantastic, what did I do this time?

Oh I don't know. Does my room covered in pink glitter sound familiar?

I don't know what you're taking about

Jace, maybe it wasn't Magnus who covered your room in glitter. Haven't that thought hit you?

Since Magnus is the only Warlock that is allowed in the institute, no

Well my dear Jace, I'm sorry to disappoint you, but it wasn't me

See? I told you. Magnus is innocent. 100 points to Izzy

Then who the hell covered my room in pink glitter?

As much as I would love to do that, it wasn't me

What about Alec?

Okay, that's it. Parbatai or not, I'm going to kill him

I would like to see you try, Shadowhunter

Is that a challenge?

Guys, stop

Look who decided to show up. Where have you been Clary?

Why do you care?

I bet it was Clary who covered your room in pink glitter ;)

Oh shut up Simon. Everyone in this chat knows that I never would do something like that. I'm not that childish and I have better things to do with my free time

That's actually true. Clary has been the maturest of us from day one

Then I guess that Izzy is right. It probably was Alec who did it since the rest of us are innocent

I did what?

You covered my room in pink glitter. Are you happy now? It's going to take me ages to clean that shit up

Why the hell would I cover your room in pink glitter? I hate the colour pink and I hate glitter

Wow, okay. I'm hurt

Don't be sad Magnus <3

I hate you all so much. Seriously, I need new friends. Can the one who did it just please say it?

It wasn't me

Me neither :)

Fine, it was me

I knew it! Alec, what the hell? I'm going to kill you for this

I didn't do it alone though. It was Magnus who did it. I just came up with the idea

You're such a traitor Alec

Oh shut up Magnus, I know that you love me no matter what <3

I'm going to kill you both

Well at least I got my revenge ;)

I think it was hilarious :)

Good morning guys😊 How are you all today? It's raining like crazy in Sweden so I will probably just sit in my room the whole day and update my stories🙈

I love you all so much and thanks for supporting me❤️



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