Chapter 71.

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Look, I know that you're upset at the moment, but you have to talk to Magnus. I'm not saying that I am on his side, but he hasn't done anything wrong. He can't help that he has a lot of meetings to attend and clients that needs him. As the High Warlock of Brooklyn, he has duties to perform

I don't need you to tell me what I have to do. It's my life and if I don't want to talk to Magnus, then I don't have to

Why are you even mad at him?

I'm mad at him because he always leaves me for you guys. It's been weeks since it was just the two of us, and I miss him

Alec, you make no sense right now

I don't want to talk about it

Too bad for you because I don't care. We're going to talk about this whether you like it or not

Fuck off

Are you even listening to yourself? I have never seen this ugly side of you before and trust me, I don't like it

If you don't like it, leave me alone

I'm not going to leave you alone until you talk to Magnus. I know that you love him and guess what? He loves you too

If he loves me, why does he leave me alone EVERY FREAKING DAY?

Because just like you and I have mission to attend, Magnus has meeting and clients to take care of

Who's side are you on?

Right now? Magnus side because he hasn't done anything wrong!

You know what? Screw you and screw Magnus Bane. I'm out of here

Fine but if anything happens to Magnus now while he's gone, you're going to regret the way you have treated him

Where is he?

I thought you didn't care


He's in London, you idiot. They had trouble with demons and needed a Warlock to help them out

Why didn't he tell me?

Maybe because you're a total douchebag towards him?

Whatever. He'll be fine and when he's back home, you all can eat lunch with him and be happy like the idiots you are

I'm so done with you, Alec. Parabatai or not, you're an asshole

Just leave me alone

Don't worry, I will

Ugh, I hate to make all this drama happen🙈 How are you all? I have to go to the doctor tomorrow because unfortunately, I have gotten some inflammation in both of my legs. So yeah, it hurts😂

I love you all so much and thanks for always supporting me❤️


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