Chapter 98.

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Alexander Gideon Lightwood, who the hell do you think you are? Fine, you're the head of the New York institute, but that does not mean that you can leave your dirty dishes all over the place. Seriously, this is the forth time this week and I'm done cleaning up after you. It's time for you to grow up and take care of your own dirty plates. By the angel, Alec. You're 18 years old, okay? It's time to start act like an adult

Are you done?


Good. Now, what's the real problem?

Ugh, it's nothing. Max is getting restless and instead of studying runes, he's hiding all of my things around the institute

Shouldn't he be back in Idris by now? I thought mum was going to pick him up like two days ago?

Yeah, she was, but other things got in the way. For example, dad

Are they fighting again?

Oh yeah

What is it about this time?

Honestly, I don't even care anymore. They're so damn immature sometimes

Well, you're not wrong about that

Anyways, are you still watching Dorothea and Magnus training some warlock magic with little Madzie?

Don't forget Catarina

A lot of warlocks in one place. How are you even still alive?

That's a really good question

How's Madzie doing?

Well, she has the best warlock trainer in the city of New York, so I would say that she's doing pretty good

That's really good to hear. What about Maggie? How's he doing?

He's concentrating

[Izzy]He looks rather pissed off

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He looks rather pissed off

That's mostly because I stepped in front of him and took a picture while he was doing some magic

You're an idiot, Alec

Magnus said he exact same thing. Isn't that hilarious?

Not really

I'm legit rolling my eyes right now

Don't roll them too hard, dear brother. They might disappear into your brain

I should probably stop texting and be more aware of my surrounding. Madzie almost hit me with a fireball

By the angel, be careful!

I will

Okay so I have been crying non stop for like 10 minutes because of Harry Shum Jr. Isn't he the most beautiful human being on this earth? I mean, come on😍 He's absolutely stunning

I love you all so much and thanks for always supporting me❤️

Q: Raphael or Simon?
A: Raphael all the way! 


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