Chapter 19.

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I'm in love with the shape of you

Excuse me?

We push and pull like a magnet do

Magnus, are you drunk?

Although my heart is falling too, I'm in love with your body

My body..?

Last night you were in my room, and now my bedsheets smell like you

I wasn't in your room last night..? Magnus, are you cheating on me..?

Every day discovering something brand new, I'm in love with your body

That's it, I'm coming over

Alexander, you're adorable when you have no idea what I'm talking about

What are you doing and who the heck was in your room last night?

It's a song lyric, you idiot <3

Seriously? Oh my god, Magnus. I thought you cheated on me or something

My dear Alexander, you know I never would do something like that

I know, I'm sorry <3

You have to start listening to music

Yeah, especially if you're going to lyric prank me again

I love you, Alexander Lightwood <3

I love you too, Mags <3

Hey guys🙈 I exhausted today because me and my family have been at the cemetery. We're planning my grandfathers funeral and I don't think I ever have cried this much. I'm sorry that I suck at updating (basically all of my stores) but you have to understand that I'm having a hard time right now😣 I love you all so much❤️

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