Chapter 91.

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Clary added Magnus, Alec, Jace, Izzy and Simon to a group chat

Where did the sun go? #TheWinterIsComing

[Clary]Where did the sun go? #TheWinterIsComing

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By the angel, Clary. You guys are absolutely adorable <3

Can't really say that I disagree with Izzy. It's a pretty good picture of me

Always so self-righteous

It's a gift

One mans gift is another mans curse

I'm a the only one who noticed that Clary quoted Game of Thrones?

Since you're probably the only one who has seen Game of Thrones, yes

Game of Thrones is the show with the two brothers who hunts monsters, right?

By the angel, Alec. No, that's Supernatural

You can't blame them, Simon. They haven't grown up with the same childhood as you and I have

Clary's right. Instead of watching people hunt and fight monsters, like demons, we have done it ourselves

Such a healthy childhood

Well, it wasn't the best but at least we learned a few tricks ;)

My childhood mostly consisted of Star Wars and a lot of running


Let me guess, from bullies that wanted to beat you for being too annoying?

No, my problems

At least you're a faster runner now

He ain't wrong about that

Do you guys want to know what Alec said to Magnus yesterday? It's hilarious

Izzy, don't

By the angel, what embarrassing thing did Alec say this time?

Magnus said "I'm the fucking High Warlock of Brooklyn" and guess what our dear Alec answered?


Izzy, I'm warning you

He answered, "I'm fucking the High Warlock of Brooklyn"

Ugh, please kill me

I won't lie, I was extremely surprised when those words left his mouth

In my defence, I really didn't think you would actually hear me

I don't know if I should cry or laugh

Do like me

Yeah, and what's that?


Hey guys😇 How are you all? I'm extremely sorry that I have become really slow at updating, but I have been out of ideas

I love you all so much and thanks for always supporting me❤️


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