|Chapter 5|

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"Alright boys today we're going to do a social activity with one another. Each of you will be assigned a partner. To better know your partner your going to go into each other's rooms and pick something out in the room that fits the best with your personality and explain why it suits you the best, for example. If I had a poster in my room I'd explain what it meant to me, and why it is such an influence. Is there any questions?"
No one said anything, so Derrick went on to give everyone a partner, until it was only me, and Party Poison. Great. Derrick walks over and pats us both on the shoulders.
"Alright, boys, get to it. You want your points right?"
Points. Hell yeah I do. Closer to getting the fuck out of here.
In this place you get a level and a phase. Since this is my second day, I'm in level one phase one. While there is five stages total, three phases in each. Once you get to level five stage three, you finish the program, to where if your able to, you get to leave, but if your under 18, and your parents or guardians refuse, you have to stay.
Points add to levels.
Levels add to freedom.
"I'll go first." I say as we walk down the hall together.
When we walk in the room I look for something to explain myself about. I find the framed photo of me holding my favorite guitar next to Gerard, 4 years ago. Two years before his.. accident.
I pick it up and show it to him.
" This is my all time favorite photo of me and my best friend, Gerard. I don't know what I'd do without him, he's kind, talented, and just. Great. He's made me who I am." He stares at it for a while, analyzing the picture.
"He's the one. Isn't he?"
"I,- uh. I don't know what you mean" I put it back on the stand and lean on the wall.
" Is he dead Frank?" He says a little louder than before
Ignoring his question I walk to the door and turn to him.
"It's your turn. Lead the way."
He laughs under his breath and walks to his room, opening the door.
I walk in, totally mesmerised by every detail raiding his walls.
Pictures, and pictures and pictures. Hung everywhere. Of drawings and paintings of people wearing bright leather and animal print like outfits, surrounded by the desert. Men in what looked like, Dracula like masks, with guns, wearing white suits. A mouse like head, which looks like it comes from a mascot outfit. And all with the symbol of a spider, with a lighting bolt typed mark down it's back.
The one thing that caught my eye the most, would be the large, brown flag, which was most likely hand made, with the spider in the middle, with big red letters printed out at the center that spell out: Killjoys make some noise!
All of this was so strange and confusing.
"Ah, here it is" I walk to Party as he opens one of his drawers, grabbing out what looks to be a picture.
"This is what I cherish the most. The boy I see often, like Gerard."
He hands me the photo, and as I stare down at it, my blood turns cold.
I stare down at a picture of four boys. All wearing bright and colorful outfits and masks. The boy in the front caught my eye, the moment I looked at the picture. With one hand gripping a helmet, and the other pushing up his sun glasses, blonde hair flowing in the air, I automatically know who it is.

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