|Chapter 13|

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"Frank wake up!" I heard loud hissing in my ear as I jerk awake, throwing fists at where the sounds were coming from.
Ryan jerks back, squealing.
"Jesus, Frank, wake the fuck up, now's are chance." I didn't realize what he was talking about until I heard sirens in the distance. When I realized they were coming from the institute, I jumped off the bed running for a pair of jeans and a jacket to cover myself.
"Holy shit, Ryan, what did you do!?" I hissed as he's already dressed, putting his shoes on.
" It wasn't me Frank, I woke up to the sirens, when they started.-"
"Boys! You need to go outside, now! Down the stairs and out the front to Derek!" A night staff we've never seen before barks at us as we get dressed. We mumbled our okays and, as we walked out, I grab the 40 dollars I've been saving ever since the plan was made. Ryan puts extra clothes in his sweatpants, as well.
We didn't know what was gonna happen, but we were sticking to the plan.
After I talked to Tyler, I had told Ryan and he was all for it. He wanted to bring Brendon, and I said no, not wanting to argue, we have enough people as it is. I should've kept my mouth shut. But I did care for Ryan.
As we walked out of the room, I froze as I looked out, into Party Poison's open door, looking In at his room. I almost yelped by how insane it all looked.
Papers scrawled everywhere, the drawings, papers, and pictures, almost everything that wasn't screwed to the floor was thrown and torn everywhere.
On the ripped and crumpled  papers on his wall I stare at the large bold letters, clearly made with red paint.
'Keep Running'
His window, completely shattered.
He had escaped.
Keep running
We basically sprinted out of the unit, down the stairs, out to the front, where the other boys were standing in a line, while Derek, holding a clip board, called for name's. We hid behind a large bush, trying not to make a sound.
"Frank Iero!"
No answer.
"Frank!, Where the hell is he, Brian?!" He shouted at the staff who barked at us before.
"I-i saw him and Ryan in their rooms, their probably still in there." Derek yelled at him to go to the room and grab us, and that's what he did.
We had a clear shot to run into the vineyard, right next to the institution, but I couldn't leave Tyler, he was the one who started this, he needs to make it.
"Where's Tyler?" I whisper as quiet as possible to Ryan.
He looks around and shakes his head.
"He isn't there, Frank"
We continue to look at Derek to make sure he wasn't looking this way.
"Tyler Joseph!" Derek yelled at the crowd.
No answer.
"Where is tyler, Brian!" Derek ran into the side door, yelling. While another staff watched the boys.
We overheard Pete talking to Dallon
"Where are the girls stationed?" Dallon mumbled in his ear.
"They go to the back, it's the only time those three back doors unlock, unless the sirens go off."
The back doors.
That's it!
"Ryan we need to go back in to find Tyler." He looks at me, blinking at me as if is said something stupid.
"No, frank, we can't run in there, we'll get caught" he hissed.
I grabbed his wrist and threw my hood over my head.
"Trust me"
On the count of three we ran into the main doors, surprisingly not being spotted. We didn't go up the stairs, only because we heard Brian and Derek yelling for us. We don't have much time.
We ran to one of the back doors, realizing it was unlocked, I sighed and told Ryan to stay here and wait for me.
"If I'm not out in 5 minutes, run. And never look back, do you understand?" His eyes started to water, and I gave him a hug.
Reality really does something to you.
He nods and wished me good luck and I sneak into the Cafe, where there's a door, leading me to the back of the unit.
I run in the back door, hiding behind a couch as Derek screams at Brian.
"You idiot! Do you have any idea what those kids have? Their sick! We need to find them!" Both Brian and Derek make their way to the Cafe door, out of the unit. As soon as I hear the door shut I run into the hallway and hiss Tyler's name.
"Tyler! Where the fuck are you.."
I walk into to each room until I open what use to be Josh's room, finding Tyler under his bed, weeping. No wonder they didn't find him. No one uses this room.
"Holy fuck, Tyler you scared the shit out of me." I run to his side pulling him from under his bed.
"Frank-wha-" I put my hand over his mouth, not wanting to hear any bullshit.
"Listen, me, Ryan, and you are leaving, okay? Don't speak, just follow me until I say otherwise, got it?" He waited a couple seconds before nodding.
I grab his arm and run him into his room, grabbing him his heavy jacket, extra pants and a shirt, and a picture of him and Josh from Christmas, that I'd imagine was very important to him.
We run down and out of the unit to where i left Ryan. I thank my entire existence, when I see him still standing there, looking as if he was going to shit himself. He looked very pleased when he saw us as well.
"Fuck, man, i thought you might've got caught." I smiled up at him and ruffled his hair. Doing everything I can to calm these idiots down so we don't get caught.
"Did you see who was out there?"
"Just the girls lined up next to the garden"
"Okay, now we'll probably get spotted if we run straight there so we need to do something to distract the staff.."
Tyler coughed and pointed at the other door.
"What?" I stare at him
Next to the door was a radio.
He wanted me to blast music outside?..
It was worth a shot.
I run to the radio plugging it in, busting the stop and volume buttons and blasting the 90s rock channel as loud as I can,  pushing it out the door. I run back to Ryan and tyler and we sneak out of the door, looking to see if it worked. The girls were looking at the radio as the staff tried to unplug it. As we ran to the vineyard, I catch the girl with the checkered skirt and pigtails, eyes and thought she would scream, or do something to get us caught. Yet all she did was grin, and give us a thumbs up.
"Don't stop" she mouthed to me.
I guess I don't hate all girls.
We ran into the vineyard, running into bushes, but never stopped, until we made it to a road, going down all the way into downtown. We hid in the bushes as we walked along side the road making our way towards the town.
We made it.
We're free.
As we walk slowly and quietly, getting farther and farther from the institute I start to think.
Why don't I feel any different?
Why am I still thinking about you?..
Why did you do this to me?
Answer me, Gerard.

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