|Chapter 26|

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The first thing I could hear, as I come to my senses. For a moment I sat there, not knowing where I was, keeping my eyes shut, almost too afraid to open them.
After sitting in silence, keeping my eyes shut, I decide to squint them open for just a moment.
When I open my eyes, I see everything in grey and white, black flecks flying in the, what looks like a clouded dark grey sky.
A bright white light was shinned into my eyes suddenly, making me squeeze my eyes shut again, at the sudden pain. I cover my eyes with my hands, still laying on the ground.
"Who's this boy?"
"I think I've seen him before"
"His hair looks familiar"
Different, almost sad sounding voices came at my direction all at once, almost giving me a sudden pain in my head. I keep my eyes shut, rather wanting to stay in the dark then to meet the strangers in front of me.
All voices start to die down quickly as I hear foot steps walking in my direction, scaring me enough, to jump back away from the noise, flinching as I had no choice but to open my eyes in instinct.
When I open my eyes, I see a figure, with a cloak like cape surrounding the the person in black, leading the strange people, who were dressed in dull colors,wearing masks, cloaks, and paint, away from where I was. I hear the figure mumble to the people quietly.
"Go back to what you were all doing, I've got this one"
I back up more as the figure turns around, walking towards me.
"What-who are you?" It wasn't my intention to sound like a scared fox speaking how I did, but I couldn't help it.
I stare at the figure as they take their white gloved hand, removing the large hood from their head.
My nerves are calmed instantly, as i come face to face with Gerard.
"Don't get too scared, Frankie" he chuckles, taking off his cloak.
I stare at him in awe.
From head to toe he was covered in black clothing, coming to recognize it as a parade uniform. But not a normal one, for sure. Long black pants, lined with white at the sides, with shiny silver sewed into the fabric. A long jacket forming his muscular looking figure, lined with silver buttons coming down the front, with white strips going down his chest, almost as if they were symbolizing a rib cage. His hair flowing in the dry wind, flecked with black debree.
"What?" I blush, staring down at the ground, realizing he caught me checking him out.
"You look fucking beautiful" I laugh into my hands. I feel a hand to mine, as he helps me to my feet.
"I can say the same to you, baby" he winks at me, walking away.
"W-wait, where are you goi-" as I run after him I start to hear a ringing, almost like bells coming from my chest. I stop in my tracks, looking down at myself. I was totally shocked when I saw the exact same outfit that was on Gee, on me. I stretch out my white gloved hands, completely confused on whatever was happening.
I stare up at Gerard who was now standing right in front of me. He kisses my head, a smile stretched out onto his pale face.
"I'm dead, aren't I?"
He nods slowly, and I can see a frown forming on his face for only a moment, only to disappear with another smile taking it's place. He extends his hand to me.
"Now take my fucking hand, and never be afraid again"
I smile, laying my hand in his instantly.


We make our way past dark shadowed, almost decomposing buildings, until we see thousands of people lined up on streets, all were in either dark colors, or blood red, both instantly appealing to the eye. As we make it to the crowd, a flash of nostalgia hit me.
This was the street. I remember.
As we moved past people, who once they saw us, properly let us past, Gerard moves to an ongoing float, covered in dying, black roses, and red silk, candy skulls pinned to each side. He jumps onto the front, quickly helping me on as well.
As we stand together on the moving stage, he stares down at me, with the prettiest smile I had seen in a while, making me feel instantly happy, knowing that where ever the hell I was, was fine. Because I had him.
"Welcome to the Black Parade, frank" I stare down at everyone in the crowds, and realize that every face was painted over as a skull. I stare up at Gee, and see that his face was suddenly covered in black and white paint as well, forming a skeletons head, just like everyone else's. I look around at the people on the float behind us. A drummer, a bassist, and a guitarist, all covered in paint, and black.
For all this darkness, it sure was strangely stunning.
I laugh as I loud as i had in a while, turning in a circle, staring all around. It was beautiful.
I was living my most loved memory, and god, I couldn't be happier.
I walk up to Gerard, grabbing his face, pushing it to mine instantly. As we pull each other together, our lips connected to one anothers, the crowd roars with what I hope is excitment. When we pull apart I cup his face, making him giggle.
"You're going to smudge my makeup, you fuck" he pushes me playfully, then points to something behind me
"She's all yours" I turn to see a white guitar, leaning onto it's case. It was fucking gorgeous. I walk to the instrument, putting the strap over my head, feeling the cool surface, and moving the strings.
"You ready, Frankie?" I look up to Gerard, smiling at me, microphone to his lips.
"Oh I'm there, baby."
As we play loud music, full of despair, hope, and any emotion any of us have felt through our lives, my mind goes black, and instantly I can't think of one thing to ruin this, nothing at all.
As we go deeper into the city, watching the screaming crowds, and more following, we make the music louder, rocking and screaming as loud as we could.
Laughing and crying.
Feeling Everything all at once.
As we play, me and Gerard stare at each other as our music blends together into the atmosphere, I think to myself for just a moment.
I wanted the world to know, that I made it. Yea, I was dead. But I couldn't feel that pain anymore. This is where I belong.
Maybe I can make the music loud enough for you to hear me.
Can you hear it?
Can you hear what I'm feeling?
What I'm trying to show you?
I guess we'll have to see then, huh?

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