|Chapter 23|

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"take him to the lab, he needs to be sedated"
"Mr Toro, there seems to be nothing wrong to keep him in this state-"
"I'm the boss around here and I decide what to do with my patients doctor! He's not stable, and he needs help, so take him there, now"
I start to come into focus to all the voices around me.
Fuck, my head's pounding.
I squint my eyes open to look at my surroundings, and find myself wrapped into a gurney.
"Wha-" I lift my head up to see the entrance of the institution.
A feel my anxiety creepy up on me to the point where I couldn't stop shaking.
"No...get me..out of here." I ramble everything coming to mind, yet I hear no one speaking back to me, as I would expect. I look up at the person pushing me into this place, begging for them to stop.
"Stop... please"
As my vision cleared up more and more, I noticed two males in what looked like lab coats, pushing me down the hall, one staring down at me.
"He's awake"
"That's fine, we'll fix it soon, so Dr dipshit doesn't get his balls in a twist"
As they carried laughs and conversations, the seconds to me turn into hours, making me feel more and more scared, and just terrible.
Everything slowly comes back to me.
Before I could fully go through it, though, I was suddenly lifted off the gurney to what looked like a long, wide metal table.
The coldness of the metal to my back gave me a rush, to the point where I could fully recognise everything around me, I was fully awake.
Doctors all over the room, that were either staring down at me, grabbing equipment, or jotting something down.
I start to shake even more, as I see one of them opening a drawer, taking out multiple needles full of liquid, and tubes.
As the man, pushed me onto the table, I had the chance to push my arms as much as I can away from him, before he could tighten the straps on the table.
I pushed him hard enough to throw him against the table next to me. Sitting up, I feel a sudden pain to my head, making me fall to the floor in pain. It was as if all parts of my brain were being stabbed all at once. I put my hands to my head, kneeling down on the floor.
"He's trying to run, grab him!"
Multiple doctors, jump at me, hitting me at my side, and legs, pulling me back onto the table. I tried to fight back, but the pain wouldn't subside, making me once again, unable to focus.
As they strap me to the table, I start to scream.
Reality attacking me all at once.
"You idiot, you can't get up that fast after being knocked out" one of the doctors were laughing down at me as the others went back to analyzing what they were doing, not fazed by what happened
"Let me go.. please! I.. can't..God, I can't be here..Gerard.."
It was as if they were taking notes, but not paying any attention to what I was really saying.
"Enough of this shit, just numb his ass, already" I start to yell, moving back and forth as they take off my jacket, pulling out my arms.
One Doctor automatically shoves a needle into the inside of my arm, pain surging through my body.
I could fully understand now, why Gerard hated needles so much.
I started to yell, tears of terror streaming down my face
Everything happening all at once.
I scream louder as another needle goes into my thigh.
My head starts to be the only thing I could feel, my screaming, starting to be the only thing I could fully focus on.
"Frank look at me!" My eyes dart to loud noise, as I spot the person I've been screaming for.
"G-gee?" I smile, still feeling the shaking inside of me.
He cups my face, staring down into my eyes, and the only thing I could focus in was the doctors poking at me. I start to shake even harder.
He brushes his hands over my eyes, making me look into his. His beautiful dark hazel eyes.
"Breath, Frank, it's okay"
"N- no, I c-can't" I try to talk as normal as possible but my body doesn't allow it.
He smiles down at me rubbing his thumb against my cheek.
"It's not real, Frank."
I blink at him slowly.
"Close your eyes"
Knowing that speaking and asking questions with this man would merely make things worse, I squeeze my eyes shut, blocking all light from my sight.

The more my eyes were closed, the more I started to realise how quiet it was.
"G-gerard?" I open my eyes, seeking him, but find nothing.
My vision shows me only black. The room. The institution. Everything was gone.
I feel both fear and relief. I try  closing my eyes and opening them again, but nothing worked. I was in complete darkness. Alone.
"You're not alone, Frankie"
"Gee..let me see you."
I stand up, turning around completly, taking in the complete darkness. I feel a hand on my shoulder, relief running through my body once again.
"I told you, I'm always here, Frank" I didn't look at him, only turned, pushing my body into his, wrapping myself around him instantly.
"Yes, Frankie"
"What the fuck is going on"
He holds me tighter, putting his head to my shoulder, calming me instantly.
"I'm guessing you want the truth?"
He sighed into my shoulder, holding me as tight as he could, allowing me to fully lean into him.
"You're dying, Frank"

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