|Chapter 7|

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Gerard was as white as the ghost id made him out be. He stared at the picture for what felt like an eternity, tears pricking his eyes. 

"Can- can i see that?.." he points at the picture, tears slowly falling down his face. I hand it to him and he pulls it up to his gaze, laughing, while continuing to cry. 

"Oh Mikey, you made it..God,- i miss- you so much.." he sobs between his words, basically laughing and crying all at once. I didn't know what to say, really. After Mikey died, his mother got rid of all of Mikey's pictures, all because "it was much to depressing to see a dead son hanging up on the wall". I thought it was completely ridiculous. You salute the dead, you don't hide them. Mostly the reason why, Gerard and i, were never afraid of dying, or being alone if one of us were gone. We'd make it one day. The pain would cease soon enough.

Gerard suddenly gets up, picture clutched in his hand, his arms shaking. He lifts the picture to my face.

"Where the hell did you get this? no one could've given this to- wait...." he thought for a moment, his eyes widening. 

"I got it from Party Poison, across the h-" He looked up at me instantly, almost like i had told him i was pregnant. Impossible yes, but, whats to believe anymore? 

" What did you just say? ...Party Poison?...holy shit.." He starts laughing, in a loud, almost evil way. Suddenly Gerard's hands were behind my neck, and my nose was on his.

"Dont you remember, Frank?? What Mikey use to call me when we played lazer tag??"

It all came running back to me, like a smack to the face. 

"Look Frank!" Mikey was pulling me into the living room, wanting to show me Gerard's 'Killer outfit'. Walking into the room , i see gerard, wearing a red wig, probably from a dollar store, a bright blue leather like biker jacket that spells out Pegasus on the front, looking a little dirty, and a yellow shirt, and plain jeans. He smiled, walking up to me, a play laser gun in his hand, pointing it to my chest.

I laugh, looking him in the eyes. " Am i suppose to be intimidated by your yellow, water soaker, Gee?"

He pulls the gun from my chest, blowing a strand of his firetruck red hair back.

"Call me Party Poison" he smirks, and Mikey starts to laugh. Mikey puts on a mask and walks next to Gerard, leaning on him. 

"I gave him that nickname cause i heard him talking about wanting to put a party hat on a snakes head, and long story short, I blurted out Party Poison, He liked it, and it stuck." i laugh, on how ridiculously funny the idea was.

"What about you, Mikes? Marshmallow? danger noodle?" i chuckle, making up funny names, while Gerard joined in, thinking up the most hilarious things, but all Mikey did was sit there and smile. 

" Actually, i was thinking Kobra Kid, close to Gerard's" he chuckled, and he seemed pretty happy about it. Mikey was always the day dreamer, but, what could you expect? this is Mikey Way we're talking about. He's always been an wonderful kid, that made us happy in a way we couldn't explain, when we felt the complete opposite. But, in the end, he always knew the way we felt, fake smile plastered on our faces or not, he's just. Extraordinary. 

He always will be.

 I smile, tears falling down my face uncontrollably. Gerard didn't question me about anything, though, cause he knew. He knew i remembered, and he knew that any time we'd ever really stop and think about Mikey Way, we were just, i dont know. Not okay.

"I- if i would've stayed Frank...if i would've stayed in the house- he- He'd be alive, and- and- so would i...- Frank...Mikey's...god- Frank, Mikey's really gone.." He falls into my arms, shaking harshly. He was so cold. 

" Gee..he loved you, and he still does..and i know you love him more than anything you-" 

" Well you can't love someone back to life, Frank" he stares into my eyes, sad and lost.

"We can try"

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