Gift From God

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I glared at the idiotic teacher standing before me. They were bitching at me about my lack of concentration. Who pays attention in senior health anyway? I had all of my classes set up so that I'd pass with no lower than a seventy-five, so there was no reason for me to even be in class at the moment.

"Eren!" Mr. Peters snapped at me. "Stop daydreaming and pay attention! Students like you are despicable. You're what brings the class average down."

I smiled a fake smile, but I knew for sure that it looked genuine. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Peters, it won't happen again. School is almost over anyway. I'll be good for the rest of the year."

Mr. Peters was a little taken back by my remark. I smirked internally. Bullseye. I sat up with my head craned and my shoulders squared to the front, feigning attention when I noticed something out the window. I quickly returned my eyes back to the front and glued them there, thinking about what I'd do when I got home.

Senior health finished forty minutes later and I quickly grabbed my backpack and darted out the door. My last class was a study hall and that obviously wouldn't be hard to skip. I speed-walked to the parking lot when I came across a black leather bound notebook. I picked it up and examined it. The cover read "Death Note" in an ink that looked out of this world. I decided to open it and read. The inside cover made me gasp. It claimed that whoever's name written in it would die. I looked around before throwing the notebook in my backpack and heading to my car. I didn't believe it was true, I mean, it couldn't be. Though some small part of me believed it was true.

I'd have to test it to be sure.

I drove home and unlocked the door, unsurprised to see that none of my family was home yet. My chest almost burst as I made my way up the stairs and into my bedroom.

I closed and locked the door behind me before plopping down on my bed and pulling the notebook out of my bag. I didn't know what to make of it. I wanted to test it, but killing is wrong, right? I couldn't just kill someone innocent like that; I'd be a murderer. With my mind a whirlwind, I reached for my television remote and snuggled up under the comforter, but on top of the sheets.

"The police are in a car chase with Patrick McCroft. He has previously broken into a bank, killing many and stealing a child along with millions of dollars from the bank," the reporter on the news explained, "If you're on route sixteen, please get off immediately. McCroft will not hesitate to shoot. I repeat, McCroft will not hesitate to shoot!"

I could feel the corners of my mouth turn up when I came to a realization. What if who I killed wasn't innocent? Surely that would benefit humanity, having one less criminal on the streets.

I quickly scanned the notebook. It can't be as simple as writing a name, could it? My eyes widened when I came across valuable pieces of information. One of them just so happened to be that you had to have the victim's face in mind while writing their name down. The other one was that the victim would die of a heart attack forty seconds after their name was written.

My eyes gazed back on the TV. It was too easy. His face and name were displayed on the news for me. It was like I was being told to do it. I grabbed a pen from my nightstand and waited. I couldn't just kill him. Not because I was afraid or rethinking my decision, but because there was still a kid in the car.

After what felt like much too long, McCroft was forced to stop. The police had created a roadblock. McCroft opened the door. Ten. Following him was a girl with black hair. Nine. The police held their guns up and demanded he surrender. Eight. McCroft pulled the girl in closer to him and sneered at the officers. Seven. The girl was crying and begging the police to do something. Six. McCroft dug the barrel of his gun into her neck in response. Five. The girl went quiet, silent sobs racking her body. Four. McCroft smirked as he started to walk away with the girl. Three. The announcer went on about how terrible a situation this was. Two. I could practically feel my heartbeat thumping in my throat, as if it resided there instead of my rib cage. One. I breathed in and held my breath as I watched the villain walk off with the girl. I set my watch down and sprung up, staring at the television. Before my very eyes, McCroft was on the ground while the girl ran off to the protection of the police. Somebody took his pulse. He was pronounced dead.

Cardiac Arrest (Ereri/Riren AU) (Death Note AU) (L!Levi x Kira!Eren) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now