Fragments of Normality

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Author's Note: Apparently chapter 4 was blank and nobody told me. So you might want to read chapter 4 cause yeah.


"So what are you doing with the Death Note, Eren?" Ryuk asked as he floated upside down while over my shoulder. The weird thing was the fact that he had his head turned upright despite the rest of him being otherwise.

"Did you know that ripped pages or even partial pages of the Death Note still have the full effect of the Death Note?" I asked. "I tested it out on that person a couple nights ago and it actually worked. It's pretty amazing. Think of all of the possibilities."

Ryuk turned the rest of his body rightside up and stood behind me, peering over my multiple Death Note scraps, "No shinigami has needed or even thought to use it like that. Why is this even useful to you?"

"Stupid shinigami," I sighed. "I can't just bring a sketchy ass notebook around with me everywhere, but having a few scraps laying around could be of use. The possibilities are endless. I already have a secret compartment sewn into my wallet, a page rolled up and stored in a flashlight - it still works, mind you, and I even have a page taped on the underneath of my door. If I don't have time to get to my hiding place for the actual Death Note while I'm out or at home, I now have other ways to kill. I can't be a one trick pony, especially when I have both L and the Titans out to get me."

"It's been said that those who have the Death Notes in their lives are met with bad luck. On top of that, those who use the Death Note can neither go to heaven nor hell." Ryuk went into my mini fridge and pulled out an apple and ate it, core and all.

I breathed a sigh of relief. "That's actually good. This may sound weird, but I was always weary of the aspect of an afterlife."

Ryuk's eyes gleamed. "Interesting. Most humans seem to want there to be something more. They want a life after death. What makes you so different?"

"If humans continued to live on, then there would be no point to actually living. What would be the point in trying to make the best of what you have if you'll just end up somewhere else in the end?"

"So you're afraid of your life not mattering." Ryuk concluded.

"I'm no longer afraid of anything," I crossed my arms behind my back. "I obviously matter. Without me, there would be no true justice. Without me here to guide the human race, they would all just end up destroying themselves and each other."

"So what you're claiming is that you are humanity's overseer?" Ryuk laughed. "Interesting. Very interesting. I'm glad that you were the one who found this book, Eren. You are very entertaining."

"Humanity is glad for it too."


I sighed as I walked up the stairs and into my bedroom. I was now eighteen, a full-fledged adult. I'm sure that L has found out what my little message was and was currently coming up with a long list of possible suspects. What I saw when I arrived in front of my door only further proved this hypothesis.

I walked silently over to my desk and sat down, spinning around a little bit before resting my head on the redwood desk. I sighed, trying my best to ignore the shinigami that was currently prodding me and asking me to buy him more apples. I got up and left my room and then the house. The whole time I did this, Ryuk was trying his damndest to get a reaction out of me. Thankfully I was able to keep my expression stoic until I entered my car and triple checked everything in it, sighing when I found that there wasn't anything suspicious in my car. I put my phone up to my ear.

"Ryuk, I cannot talk to you in the house. Somebody has gone in my room, meaning that it is most likely bugged and has security cameras monitoring it. L finally made their move, but I'm already five steps ahead. I had been preparing for this. That's why I made sure that the last policeman died so long after my birthday. L couldn't decipher my message until they had the last piece, not that the note was anything important anyways. It was just something to keep them occupied as I prepared to take the defensive." I explained to the shinigami.

Cardiac Arrest (Ereri/Riren AU) (Death Note AU) (L!Levi x Kira!Eren) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now