Mental Decomposition

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I was standing outside of the entrance to the FWPD Headquarters for the second time. I'd only been once before, and that had ended rather badly, but I couldn't bring myself to worry about what had happened before. I couldn't bring myself to worry about much at all anymore.

I made my way through the rows of desks, still as messy as they were before, and straight into the room designated to the people on the Kira case. Everybody was present, doing their own thing before I opened the door, clearing my throat.

"Thank you for gathering today." I nodded my head slightly out of gratitude. "I've called you here to request assistance, and to apologise for before. I should've thought more about accusing Eren Smith of being Kira and phrased my accusations while taking into account how close you all were to him. I now know the values of both friendship and family, and so I would like to request proper help on finding Kira, before we all lose another person we care for."

Erwin turned to me, raising an eyebrow, "I heard that you quit your teaching job and shortly after, Eren relapsed, but it wasn't as major as usual. Dustin and his new friend Klara were there to help, so he didn't do anything brash." He shook his head, changing the subject, but the damage had already been done, "What were we called here for?"

I found myself less worried than I would've thought upon hearing about Eren's condition, but pushed the thought to that back of my mind. I had no time to be distracted anymore. I'd catch Kira, and whatever happened to my life afterwards was for the Underground to decide. I didn't care anymore.

"I need your help with the Kira case. You're the most influential power over Texas, the place which Kira calls their home, and to catch them I know I'll need the FWPD by my side. That's what you were all called here for." I paused, "I am asking you this while putting my title as 'L' aside, as a simple human being. I would greatly appreciate any form of help I could receive, but I understand this case is dangerous. While Kira says they will not hurt the people who are doing their jobs to catch them, there may come a time where Kira cannot help but dispose of us. With this in mind, I would like to give you all a choice. You can leave now, and return safely to your friends and family. You could live knowing you are not on Kira's radar. Or, you could help me. You could leave your life in the hands of the people who work on this case, and go home with the lingering thought that you could die at any second. But, you'd be catching a criminal, just as you had planned when you first said you'd join this case. I swore I would catch Kira, even if it killed me and I feel the same now." I straightened up my posture, looking every member in the eyes, "Would any of you be willing to do the same?"

Arlert shifted around in his spot, "Is it true... that you worked with Kira to take down Anti-Kira?"

"Yes, it is. Kira has explained that they do not want me dead, and I believed that. They gave me insight on Anti-Kira and an idea which I'd have been a fool not to accept."

"Then why are you still pursuing them?" Springer asked.

"Kira... they caught the person who killed Marco," Kirstein's face fell, "They said that Marco was a good man. Kira was right."

Erwin looked around at his men, "The FWPD is in a tight spot right now. We're on standby, waiting for whether or not we're supposed to treat Kira as a criminal. The rumors that Kira aided in the takedown of Anti-Kira has put us in a tight spot. Some of America's allies are partnered with Kira. Since you confirmed these rumors as fact, we're even more hesitant to catch them."

"Kira assisted because, at the end of the day, they did not agree with the senseless murdering Anti-Kira had been committing. I cannot speak for the future, be it near or far, and someday Kira may need to go to extremes. When somebody with that much power is pressured, it is only a matter of time."

Cardiac Arrest (Ereri/Riren AU) (Death Note AU) (L!Levi x Kira!Eren) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now