Ulterior Motives

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I was looking for my left red high top Converse when I instead saw a big blue sketchbook peeking from the dark confines of underneath my bed. I pulled it out, surprised by how heavy and cold it was.

I ran my finger along the cover. It was covered in duct tape into a street art design. I opened it, knowing that Dustin wouldn't mind. He usually asked my opinion of his pieces anyway.

The first dozen pages were normal Dustin drawings. They were mostly realistic landscapes, manga/anime-esque drawings of characters he thought up in his head, street art, and what Dustin liked to call Mexican-American emo steampunk art. I turned to the next page after seeing a sugar skull smoking pot with black glittery smoke. I gasped when I saw the next drawing, surprised that Dustin hadn't told me about it.

Dustin always claimed that he was subpar at drawing realistic human beings. He claimed that he couldn't do it no matter how hard he tried, but he lied. What I was looking at was a realistic portrait of me, rolling my eyes at him with a lollipop stick in my mouth. I remembered the photo he referenced to get the drawing, but honestly, he made me look a million times more attractive in the drawing then how I looked in reality.

The next picture was of me holding my old Fender. I was playing "American Idiot" at the request of Dustin of course. I held back the urge to run my fingers over the sketch paper, not wanting my hand oils to smear or potentially ruin the piece.

I coughed and looked around to make sure Ryuk wasn't hovering around me when I came to the next drawing of me. I was completely naked, strapped down to the bed, looking as vulnerable as a baby deer. There weren't any nudes of me, meaning that Dustin drew it from memory.

"Perv," I laughed, flipping to the next and last picture.

Angel. I felt warmth come to my cheeks as each second passed as I studied the piece. Dustin depicted me as what he believed an angel to be. I was naked, but... pure. There weren't any sexual undertones in the peace, just grace and beauty. I bit my lip, trying not to lose it, but a tear escaped. I quickly wiped it away so it wouldn't dampen the page.

I was chained to a wall with shackles around my ankles, my angel wings folded and broken. Despite this, Dustin drew me smiling. I closed the book and hugged it.


"Aye," Finn picked up the meeting call first this time. "Everyone is still coming. Don't worry about attendance from anyone but the others, Boss."

I nodded, opening my mouth to speak, "That's fine. I don't mind waiting. In the meantime, I have a few things to discuss with you."

Finn set down what he was eating, wiping his mouth off before replying, "Okay. Is it anything regarding my performance?"

"No. Not exactly," I scratched my head, "I have some questions about your program. The Bermuda Triangle, how exactly does it work?"

Finn smiled widely, "The Bermuda Triangle is my creation that encompasses many of my technical ideas. These meetings are completely safe, as they are not only hack proof, but they're set up so that only you can see us and we just see the world map, the landmass that the person speaking from lighting up like a Christmas tree. It works off the computer language that I thought up, Mockingbird."

I listened intently as Finn spoke of all that went into our meetings, thanking him and praising him whenever I had the chance. Mary was the next one to come online, followed by Tsukki, and lastly, Selena.

"Washington's cabinet, now in session," Mary smiled, setting down one of her books, "So, what did you need, Boss? There isn't really any business that needs to be taken care of, is there?"

Cardiac Arrest (Ereri/Riren AU) (Death Note AU) (L!Levi x Kira!Eren) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now