An Arduous Recovery

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My fingers brushed against my neck that was tightly bandaged by Dustin, my eyes picking apart my appearance. I looked like shit and felt like it as well. My cheek was covered by bandages, gauze, and medical tape that I had around the house, but you could see that the flesh was badly injured as it was black and blue even on the areas surrounding that weren't initially covered. My right arm was wrapped in ace bandage and the rest of me had been decorated by band-aids of various shapes and sizes. My breathing felt like it was doing more harm than good, my throat feeling like it was closing in on a double edged knife. Every time I swallowed, bubbling lava poured down my esophagus and took refuge in my stomach.

Running my left hand through my hair, my breath caught when I saw that my fingers were drenched in blood, both mine and my attacker's. My hair was drenched in it and soon enough, so was my whole body, my eyes red from the blood.


My vision went completely red as hands made their way around my neck, still vulnerable from the last time.


It was all that I could feel. I smiled as I began to lose myself, falling to the floor with a loud thud.

"Er...en," I looked up to see Rivaille holding both of my hands in his, "You... you were choking yourself."

I hugged the raven from my place on the floor, tears running down my face only to be sopped up by the older male's shirt. The bags under his eyes seemed deeper and more prominent than ever. I choked on my cries as guilt took over my consciousness.

"I'm so... sor...ry," my voice was ragged, each syllable causing great pain, but I persisted despite how painful it was, my voice low and cracky, "I'm sor-ry. You... shouldn't have had to... go through... t-that. R-R-R-"

My voice failed me for a while, me spluttering, crying, desperately trying to apologize for what I had put him through.

The raven began to run his hands soothingly through my dishevelled hair, rocking us lightly in a comforting manner. "Shh, Eren. It's alright, I'm fine. We're all fine. My main concern is you right now, so just relax for me, okay?" He whispered.

It took all of my being to speak, each word piercing more than the last, "You... you didn't k-kill them."

I forced a smile, hiding further into his small frame as he tried his best to envelop all of me, but it was quite difficult due to the height difference, even with me on the floor. He just didn't seem comfortable. More tears ran down my face.

The raven tensed at my words, clicking his tongue out of frustration from his own actions, or should I say his lack of them, "... I'm sorry, Eren." He apologized, attempting to hug me tighter, "I'm so fucking sorry."

I hugged him tighter, my vocal chords too damaged for me to say anything at the moment. I was trying to tell him that it was okay, but I didn't know if he understood my silent reassurings.

"Thank you, Eren." Were the only words he uttered, gripping my top. I thought back to what he had said before, and how he felt assured of my presence when he made contact with me.

"How... how do you feel?" I flinched at the sudden pain, my voice not even sounding like my own.

"Not as shit as you." He answered vaguely, speaking up again as I opened my mouth  "But I'm guessing that kind of answer wouldn't suffice with you. Do you want how I feel emotionally or physically?"

I nodded, showing that I meant all of it. His wellness as a whole.

"I'm exhausted. Both physically and mentally. I'm tired of being a detective, and I'm sick of being unable to protect the people I love."

Cardiac Arrest (Ereri/Riren AU) (Death Note AU) (L!Levi x Kira!Eren) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now