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Tsukki (1st Person)

I fidgeted around as I waited at the airport to be picked up by Selena. Pulling out my phone, I began to play on a few apps that I had downloaded as I waited for the girl to show up.


Closing my phone, I looked up to see someone with long auburn hair, brown eyes, and a freckled complexion. They were beautiful. I looked to see the name that matched the face, genuinely interested.

'Selena Lafayette.'

My eyes widened when I saw that I couldn't see her lifespan. That could only mean one thing.

That dumbass.

Selena came running up to me, grabbing one of my suitcases from me. "Hey, Tsukki! I'm so sorry for being late. I got really sidetracked and left two minutes late, but then I got lost on the way here and just really confused."

"I'm surprised you only left two minutes late rather than ten," I remarked, reaching for my bag, "You don't have to carry that for me, Selena. I only brought two things of luggage."

She pulled the black suitcase further away from me, "I want to. Plus, I was late. It's my way of repaying you."

I rolled my eyes, "You don't need to make up for anything, dumbass. I expected you to be late. You always are."

"I'm not a dumbass!" She snapped defensively.

"Yes you are, Selena Lafayette."

"Oh," she blushed upon realization, "Well, it's not like you're gonna kill me. Right, Tsukki?"

"Not unless you piss me off."

Selena sighed, "It's good to know that you've come to expect the worst from me."

"Selena," I reached out a hand, but decided against it, instead opting to remove the mask that I had covering my lower face to hide my identity. It wasn't like I was sick anyway.

Selena's eyes lit up when she saw my face, grinning from ear to ear, "Tsukki Rei."


I was scrolling through memes online when I noticed Selena watching something on her phone, humming along to a familiar tune. I rolled my eyes when I realized what it was.

Fucking weeb.

Selena ripped out her earbuds, "Tsukki, you did not just throw a pillow at me!"

"So what if I did?"

She played with her fishtail braid, pouting, "You're so mean. You were mean when we went to see Boss too."

"I'm not mean," I pulled my knees into my chest, studying Selena.

"Oh yeah?" Selena crossed her arms over her chest, "You always call me names, make fun of me, and are just downright mean sometimes."

"That's not true," I rolled my eyes, "You're just being whiny."

She tossed her phone on the cushion next to her, "Exactly my point. I bet you haven't even had a thought about me that wasn't negative."

"That's not true."

"Yes it is!"

"No it's not."

"Yes it is!"

"No it's not, Selena. Stop trying to make me feel more like an asshole. I'm sorry, okay?" I rested my forehead on my knees, "I'm not like that all the time."

"No, just ninety-nine point nine percent of the time," she mumbled.

A sharp pang hit my chest and I pulled my head up to look at Selena, "You know what? I think you're really beautiful. That positive enough for you?"

She blushed, "You're lying."

"No I'm not," I sat up, bringing my legs back so that my feet were flat on the floor.

"Yes you are."

I stood up, "No, I'm not."

"Yes you are, Tsukki."

I walked over to her couch, leaning down so that I was eye level with her, my hands on either side of where she was sitting, "Selena, you're gorgeous."

Selena blushed at how close I had gotten, "Kiss me."


"Kiss me."

"I heard you the first time. I was asking why. I thought you liked someone," my heart rate sped up slightly.

"I do like someone," she leaned in halfway, "You."

Leaning in the rest of the way, I brought my lips to hers, kissing softly. She instinctively brought her arms around my neck and smiled into the kiss, twirling the hair above the nape of my neck between her fingers.

When we broke away, she was gleaming. She pat the space next to her and I sat down, only to have her crawl into my lap and get comfortable, pulling my arms so that they were wrapped comfortably around her torso.

She snuggled into my chest, humming contently, "Tsukki?"


"Can we go on a date tomorrow?"

"Only if you want to."


I raised an eyebrow at Selena as she opened the door to our hotel, a bag of tacos in her hand. She grinned at me and sat down on the couch by me, handing me a taco.

"You actually made it here at a normal time," I mentioned, taking a bite of the taco. We were having an at home date since I didn't want to have to be careful about how I acted in public as to not draw attention to myself and end up getting us caught. No.

I wanted to be myself.

"Of course I did!" Selena puffed her cheeks out, "Why wouldn't I?"

"Because you're always late," I added sauce to the food.

She rolled her eyes, eating the food herself, "Hey, Tsukki, can we play twenty questions?"


"What's your favorite color?" she asked.

"Ocean green," I replied, "What about yours?"

"Sunset orange," she smiled.

"How old are you?" I asked cautiously.

"Turned eighteen shortly after becoming a Proxy," she responded, "What about you? You look about my age."

"I umm..." I looked down at my taco, "I turn seventeen in a few weeks."

"Really?!" she perked up, "Can I spend your birthday with you please?"

I nodded, "Sure. We both got one way tickets since we didn't know how long we'd be here, so when the time comes, you can come back to Japan with me."

She smiled, her eyes seemingly glowing, "Oh, Tsukki, do you really mean it?"

I nodded.

"I love you," she giggled, kissing me on the forehead, "I could marry you."

My eyes widened, "Don't you think you're going a little too fast?"

She shrugged, "Don't we have to?"

My gaze lowered, "Selena..."

"Can we get married, Tsukki?" she asked, "Please?"

I looked at her. Oddly, I wanted to. Who wouldn't?

I nodded, "When I turn eighteen. If you can deal with me that long, I'll marry you, Selena."

She fist pumped, "Yay!"

I laughed.

Is this how first dates are supposed to go?

A/N: CANNON. These two are OTP.

-Ari-gami aka Author-chan

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