Blossoming Distrust

501 38 24


"It's perfect."

"It looks-"

"Keep quiet, I said it's perfect." I snapped while facing my finished diagram.

"Whatever." Watari disappeared. I didn't bother paying attention to which room they went in, it didn't matter. I had more important things to focus on.

I returned to my seat in the living room and crossed my legs. I put a thumb to my lip as I studied my computer screen. Apparently I'd gotten a message while I was busy.

Chief: L, three police officers have died of heart attacks.

There was an attachment with their files. I turned on my voice scrambler and called the police.

Why would Kira start killing officers now? Why would he only kill three? Why not all of them at once, wipe out the force? What is he doing...?

I opened the files as the police picked up. I heard frantic arguing and tuned them out so I could focus.

Victim 1: Terrence Clark

He seemed like a good enough cop to me, but I had to look deeper.

There must be a reason!


I turned on my mic. "Yes, Chief Smith?"

"There...the men who were killed, they all left notes."


"But it wasn't suicide?" I had to confirm.

"No. They all died of heart attacks."

I tapped my finger against the desk. "Send me the notes, detective. Do they talk about how Kira kills? Are they warnings?"

"No. It doesn't even seem like something they would write. It makes it out like they are afraid of Kira, but I know these cops. They would have voiced these fears. It's like they wrote it while-"

"Possessed." I supplied, starting to get the picture.


I received an email and opened it up. All three notes were photocopied. I pulled up Terrence's.

"Lord Kira is too strong.

How can I  live with this fear? All I know
Is that they'll find me. I do live in
Texas, just as they do.
I can do nothing. There is no
Hope for me.
You should follow my lead. No one can
Handle Kira's wrath."

Lord Kira. How pretentious. This was clearly written by Kira and not the man. A quick search of his files revealed that he was charged with domestic abuse, but it was never looked into.

So Kira is killing dirty cops now, is that it? But surely more of these men have committed crimes.

Oh. These files, these police records, Kira shouldn't have access to them! This means that-

"Chief, I believe you have a leak. Kira may have access to police files."

I heard startled grunting, gasps, and muttered disbelief. I ignored it all. No cop wants to believe that their brothers and sisters in uniform could be bad.

Kira could even be in that room.

It wasn't too far out. I certainly doubted it, but concerning Kira's sense of justice, it would make sense for them to be a police officer who decided that the current justice system just wasn't enough.

Cardiac Arrest (Ereri/Riren AU) (Death Note AU) (L!Levi x Kira!Eren) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now