Behind the Screen

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It's not enough.

It's never enough.

You have to be better!

"Are you listening to me, L?"

Watari's voice rang clear in my mind and I pressed the button to activate my microphone. "Yes, of course I'm listening. You said you found a new case? I told you that I'm perfectly capable of finding cases on my own."

"Well, I knew this one in particular would peak your interest. I'm sending you the files now. The UN is preparing for a meeting."

I received the files and crossed my legs, looking them over. "The UN, huh? Must be a big deal. Make arrangements to attend this meeting."

"I take it this means you'll take the case?" Watari sounded all too smug which only served to piss me off.

"Yes." I told them and disconnected the voice chat so I could focus on the files in front me.

Mass murderer. Apparently, someone was somehow killing off criminals with heart attacks.

"Dubbed Kira, huh, brat?" I muttered to myself and searched the name online, finding several fan blogs already up and running. "The anonymity online truly is such a dangerous thing."

"Kira is like a god! A god serving justice!"

"Kira punished the man who murdered my brother, I've never felt satisfied only seeing him locked up. Praise Kira!"

"Whoever this is, at least we know there's some force fighting for what's right!"

"Fuck the system! Kira is true justice!"

Kira is already much too popular despite never advertising them self. Kira could be an organization, a group of vigilantes, or even just one person, but there was one thing I was certain of, they were no god.

I hadn't been this intrigued in a long time. I could already sense that this case was going to be different.

First and foremost, I needed to find out where Kira was located. If I could narrow down their location I could trap them there long enough to begin closing in. Then, after discovering their location, I needed to decipher how exactly Kira killed.

It could be a new type of poison that causes heart attacks, something developed privately so the governments of the world wouldn't have caught wind of it. I doubted that though, something in my gut told me that the ways in which Kira killed were nothing short of extraordinary.

I needed to test it. I needed to confront Kira directly, to see them kill first hand. It also wouldn't hurt to alert them that there was someone out there willing to fight back. I had a reputation that would scare any up-and-coming killer so telling Kira that they would be confronted by me was sure to startle them.

I heard a ding and checked my messages.

W: I'm set to infiltrate the meeting.

I tapped my chin before typing a response.

L: Don't say "infiltrate" like we're criminals. I'll prepare my prompt.

I closed my laptop and sat silently on the wood floor of my attic. I ran my finger across the floorboard, coming up with the slightest bit of dust.

"Ah, so this is why I can't think quickly enough." I muttered and stood, intending to go downstairs and gather my cleaning supplies.

A clean environment leads to a clean mind. I couldn't work properly if my environment was dirty, just as criminals cannot succeed if their hearts are dirty.

Cardiac Arrest (Ereri/Riren AU) (Death Note AU) (L!Levi x Kira!Eren) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now