Letting go and losing control(7)

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Gemma shook me hurriedly and my eyes snapped open, I glared at her and sat up straight, Bradley was vast asleep next to me.

"What?" I hissed as I looked at her smirk.

"It's Tess' birthday, we need to go wake her up" she whispered, I glanced at the clock on my table and chuckled it was exactly two minutes before midnight, Tessa was going to kill us. 

"Okay let me go get her gift, then we can go" I got out of bed and walked over to the cupboard and pulled out the huge, but heavy wrapped parcel. I hoped she liked it. Following Gemma out the bedroom, I realized this was the third time, I left Bradley alone in the bed. Just like he used to leave me alone. A feeling of satisfaction washed over me as I pictured his face in the mornings when he realized his mate left him. Just like my face used to look like a while back. Full of hurt, disappointment and sadness. 

We came to a stop before Tessa's bedroom and Gemma started counting down the seconds. As soon as the clock struck midnight we burst into the room, ready to shake her awake but there she sat in bed waiting for us. 

She burst out laughing when she noticed our disappointed faces.

"You're such a party pooper!" Gemma whined and Tessa grinned.

"Give me my gifts" she cackled like crazy lady and we chuckled, before we sat in front of her. Gemma handed her, her gift first and Tessa took it eagerly. She tore the baby blue wrapping paper off and then squealed quietly as she realized Gemma had gotten her a new pair of earphones. She always breaks her ear phones and then she borrows our. She opened another one of Gemma's and grinned at the new red-hot bikini. 

"I thought it would look good with your hair and besides your black one was getting to revealing" Gemma said and flicked Tessa's brown locks over her shoulder. 

"I love it, thank you, you didn't have to get me so many things though" she smiled and gave Gemma a tight hug.

"No, problem Tess" she smiled and then Tessa picked up my gift, she huffed as she picked it up.

"Damn what did you get me, a solid gold bar?" she joked and I winked.

"Nah your gift is much more valuable" I smiled and then she opened it. She started screaming so we had to push a pillow into her face, to keep her quiet. 

She took out the first book of the Outlander series and hugged it to her chest."

"Oh my gosh I've been dreaming of you for so long" she whispered to the books as she held them close. Yeah, I got her the entire series. 

"You are one amazing bitch" she said as she hugged me and I chuckled. "And Gemma here is one clever bitch, how did you know I broke my earphones?"  

"You always break them, stupid and these were adorable, hopefully you take better care of them" she said as she pointed to the cotton candy pink earphones.

"I will" she smirked and then wiggled her eyebrows.

"Let's go get some cake, it' time for celebration is it not?" she smirked and then jumped off the bed and ran to the kitchen, we followed her chuckling at her craziness. 


The three of us had fallen asleep in the lounge by the time the rest of the pack woke up, Gemma woke up first and shook us awake.

"Guys it's breakfast I'm starving come on" she muttered as she woke us up, both Tessa and I groaned as we sat up and rubbed the sleep out of our eyes.

"But I'm tired" I whined.

"You had three slices of cake how are you not on a sugar high?" Tessa chuckled.

"Tessa! My beautiful baby girl! You're all grown up now!" her mother cheered as she entered the room and scooped Tessa into a hug. Tessa chuckled and patted her mother on the back.

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