Spreading like wild fire (24)

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Ryder P.O.V

I rolled my eyes as two females started bickering again. In the few months that had passed I had finally made my way to the South, it was snowinh heavily in this part of the world and some of the memebers weren't happy about the fact they had to walk miles through the snow.

I was headed to one specific place, Dakota's old pack grounds, I had a feeling she might go there. But it was just a feeling. In the few months we've been traveling my small pack of rogues went from seven to one hundred and eleven. A few of the new members have admitted that they left their old packs in hope that mine was better. How they could think that was beyond me, my pack had no permanent home, we travel a lot and we were exposed to a lot of thinga like the harsh temperatures, other rogues and dangers. But so far none of them left or complained about a thing they just went along. A few new members also admitted that word of a rogue pack has spread like wild fire and almost every other pack in the South, East and Wesf knew, word has yet to reach the North. I shivered as another cold breeze nipped at my fur, was Dakota also in the cold right now? Was she warm and safe? 

A rustle in a half frozen to death shrub caught my attention and I froze, my pack stopped as soon as I did. I aproached the shrub woth caution but the shrub trembled more and a small pup fell from between the branches. His red eyes looked up at me in oure fear and my heart broke, I shifted and held my hands up to show him I meant no harm.

"Hey buddy, do you know how to shift?" I asked the young Lycan pup but he just shrunk back in fear.

"Penny" I called and a black wolf with greying fur walked forward, she shifted and instantly the pup sprinted towards her. She cooee and brought the trembling pup into her arms.

"Hello sweet one, do you know how to shift?" She asked and the pup shook his head.

"Oh that's alright dear can you close your eyes for me?" She asked and it obeyed. "Now think of something that makes your human side happy maybe a teddy bear or a toy or mommy? Okay I want you to see your human use that thing in your mind" she said and I could see the mucsles between his eyebrows squirm as he concentrated.

Suddenly his bones started snapping and his skin crawled as his bones rearranged themselves and soon a ten year old boy stood before us. He had auburn red hair, mossy green eyes and freckles.

"There we go, now what's your name?" Penny asked and his lips trembled.

"Malcolm" he said and she nodded.

"Well Malcolm I'm Penny and this over here is my Alpha, Alpha Ryder" she called me over and I walked to the boy who took a step back in fear.

"You don't need to be afraid of me" I spoke gently.

"That's exactly what a murderer would say" he pouted and I chukled.

"True but I'm not a murderer"

"You're a werewolf and werewolves kill Lycans and I'm a Lycan" he said and I signed.

"Malcolm do you know who the Quia Omnis Populus Pack is?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"My mother was looking for them" he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because their Alpha allows Lycans to join his pack. His pack means for all the people, it's a pack for everyone. My mother was afraid and she wanted to join his pack. Because heard he was taking the Lycans to the new Lycan pack" he saidm

"Malcolm I am the Alpha of the Quia Omnis Populus Pack, where is your mother?" I asked and he swallowed.

"She died, a bunch of werewolves killed her but I got away" he said and my blood ran cold. Those bastards.

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