Attacked...again (23)

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*Three weeks later* 

The weather had suddenly turned a few days ago and heavy snows had started to fall, coating the entire world , in fluffy white snow. Although it was beautiful to look at, it caused problems, our patrols had to change their route every forty minutes because they could be easily tracked by their footprints in the snow. I was currently doing my shift, when the air shifted as a huge black wolf with pale grey eyes appeared, Theo. It was the weirdest thing to see his eyes the first time, because it was the first time I saw a Lycan with different colored eyes, I didn't know we could have grey eyes like he does, a few of the others had that same shade as well but it suited his wolf the best. He wagged his tail as he ran up to me, he nudged his snout in Grey's neck and grey purred I just rolled my eyes. Theo's wolf was a lot more physical than Theo himself, Grey was also a lot more accepting towards them as I was, but that was because I was still in love with Ryder. 

We sniffed each other and Max gave Grey a lick on her snout and she wagged her tail, but their affection was cut short when a growl came from our left, we both jumped towards the sound and suddenly four werewolves came out from between the trees. Theo growled viciously and Grey purred at his strength. 

'Zeke there are four werewolves at the Southern Border, please come, Theo and I have it under control but just to make sure' I mind-linked Zeke. I shifted and glared at the wolves. 

"You are on our territory get off this instant or prepare to die" I snarled and the one male shifted, he had quite a bit of power, most probably a Beta. 

"Sorry love, but we were just curious, we heard there was a new Lycan pack in the area so we came to check it out" the man said as Theo shifted. 

"You saw it now leave. You have three seconds" Theo said and the Beta chuckled. 

"You know Theo, it's been months since I killed something, Grey is aching to get some action" I said and Theo smirked. 

"I guess we should live up to the Lycan reputation then" he smiled and we both shifted just as Mitchell and Zeke stopped next to us. We attacked without warning and my jaws slipped around the brown Beta's throat with ease, I could see the shock in his eyes as I ripped his throat straight out of him. I chucked the bloody body to the side and shifted, wiping the blood from my hands I stiffened when ten more werewolves moved out from the trees. 

"Dakota!" Theo screamed in my head, just as one launched itself straight at me, luckily I was prepared I pushed myself off from the ground and shifted in mid air. Grey's teeth snapped shut around the werewolf's snout and she ripped him down underneath us, she growled and clamped down onto his snout, successfully shutting off his airways, the wolf thrashed and kicked but soon stilled as it suffocated. 

My ears perked up as Theo was fighting one off but my eyes snapped to the one who was creeping up behind him, I ran forward and tackled the wolf down before ripping  her throat out, Theo turned around and nuzzled his nose in my neck just as Zeke finished off the last one, all four of us shifted and I grew uneasy. 

"They aren't the last ones to come "visit" us?" I asked and Zeke shook his head sadly.

"But we'll defend the pack with everything we are" Zeke said but doubt filled the corners of my heart.

"Will we be able to do this? Shouldn't we move on?" I asked and Theo shook his head. 

"Dakota this is our home now, we can't leave, we can protect our pack, I know we can" Theo said and I nodded my head. 

"Okay" I said softly and he grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Come on sweetheart we're on patrol" he winked and shifted, I followed and then we took off again, darting between the trees. 

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