Pissing off a Lycan(2)

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The bell for dinner rang exactly as the clock struck eight o'clock and soon all the pack members started moving towards the eating hall. I met up with Gemma along the way and she gave me a sly smile. Gemma was my best friend ever since I arrived, she knew about the way Bradley treats me and she hates it more than I do, it bothers her more than it bothers me too.

"Hiya Gems" I poked her and she snorted out a laugh.

"Hey Kota" she winked.

"How was your shift at the clinic?" I asked and she groaned.

"Terrible three kids puked on me and I had to pop a boy's shoulder back into place and the sound was so disturbing" she shuddered and I chuckled, see Gemma was a nurse in training and she loved it, she just didn't love the babies.

"I'll catch you after dinner, girls night remember, I'm in the mood for some horror" she wiggled her eyebrows and then made her way over to David her mate.

We made eye contact and he gave me a wave which I returned, he was a pretty chilled guy, although we don't talk much. Thanks to Bradley, he banned me from talking to other men.
I made my way over to my seat next to Bradley, as I said it's only Tessa and Gemma who knows about the way he treats me, the rest of the pack thinks we're madly in love. I don't know how they think that since I'm not marked or mated and I've been here three years.

Slowly I sat next to him, Bradley glanced at me and then looked at his pack members again, oh and they don't know I'm a lycanthrope as well, that's been kept a secret for a long time. I have to train hours after they train, alone, sometimes Gemma and Tessa come along, but most of the time it's only me. And Bradley forces me to train every night; he wants his personal weapon to be in shape at all times, queue eye roll here.

"Remember no carbs" he whispered and I rolled my eyes, being the way I am, I reached over the table and grabbed the garlic bread. Breaking off a piece, I deliberately ate it while he stared at me.

"What did you say, I couldn't hear you, you're ego is in the way" I chided and then continued eating.

"You will be punish-"

"For the millionth time Bradley, you can't cut carbs out of my diet, in case you forgot I'm a lycan, I need extra carbs to keep my energy levels balanced" I muttered and he rolled his eyes.

"You're so disrespectful, I am your Alpha" he snapped.

"You are such an arse you know that right?" I hissed and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"You will double your routine this evening, am I understood?"

"No. You don't get to boss me around-"

"Don't test me Dakota"

"No, don't test me Bradley, I can leave you know, leave and never return-"

"Don't even try, I'll find you" he snapped.

"How? I have no bond to you Alpha, you can't find someone without a link" I smirked.

See the thing is since I'm a Lycan I can't be joined into the pack like normal wolves I have a special routine and since he wanted to keep me a secret he never joined me.

"If you're so confident why did you stay?" he smirked.

"I stayed for Gemma and for Tessa"

"Why are you guys whispering?" Daniel his father asked as he smiled at us.

"I was just telling Dakota how pretty she looked tonight" Bradley lied and I sighed.

"She sure is beautiful" Willa his mother replied, as she said that Bradley glanced at me and I discreetly rolled my eyes at him.

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