Strange wooden boxes and a pissed of mate(15)

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I was busy munching on some coco pops when Bradley's parents entered the kitchen. They looked at me in shock  as I sat there eating my cereal.

"You're still here?" His mother asked and I frowned.

"Uh yes, hello" I said and she frowned.

"I thought you left when Emily announced she was pregnant" she said just as Bradley entered.

"Mother shush, I specifically told you to keep quiet about that while Ryder was here" he sighed.

"I don't understand why you want to keep her she's practically useless as a mate" she sighed just as Ryder entered and my eyes grew wide. Oh oh.

"Who is useless as a mate?" He asked and his mother gave him a blank stare.

"I said Dakota would be an useless mate" she muttered.

"What is it with the females in this pack that act like total bitches? I get we're half dog but seriously you're taking it to serious" Ryder snapped and his mother rolled her eyes.

"What is wrong with you?" I asked her and her eyes snapped to me.


"No, this is bullshit. You are a terrible fucking mother! Ryder is your son too, you brought him to the world as well and then you treat him like this. What type of mother are you! Have you ever heard of the saying you shouldn't have a favorite! I just hope Emily doesn't follow in your footsteps. I am absolutely disgusted by you" I growled out and she narrowed her eyes at me.

"You little bitch. What would you know about motherhood!"

"I know that it's wrong to favor one child above the other! And quite frankly you're fucking daft, Ryder is much stronger than Bradley. He is ten times the Alpha Bradley is, yet you favor Bradley." I snapped and Bradley sighed.

"Dakota calm down before you tick off Grey" he whispered to me and I sighed.

"You should be ashamed of yourself Dakota. Talking to me like that" she sneered.

"She was just standing up for me mother"  Ryder snarled the last word.


"Just shut up Mom!" Bradley sighed and his mother gaped at him.


"Stop it. You're being childish the biggest reason Dad and I treat Ryder like this is because you made us think he's the bad guy! I'm tired of it, I realized that Ryder is my brother and I should act like he is. He has never done anything to us" Bradley sighed and rubbed his temples. Huffing his mother left the room while dragging her mate along.

"Thanks Bradley" I said and Bradley nodded.

"Yeah thanks" Ryder smiled and Bradley smiled back.

"Why are you holding hands?" He asked and my eyes widened. Shit I hadn't realized that I had held his hand when his mother was being a bitch.

"Oh, support" I shrugged and let go of Ryder's hand.

"Right. I'm off. I just came to fetch Emily some oreos. The cravings have begun" he sighed and grabbed a pack of oreos before leaving.

"Thank you" Ryder smirked and I nodded.

"No, problem. She's a pain in the ass" I groaned and he chuckled.

"She's been like that my entire life" he shrugged.

"Even when you were a toddler?" I asked shocked.

"Even when I was a newbord love, she just never liked me"

"I have no idea how anybody could not like you" I whispered and he smirked.

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