Finding home and finding my people(19)

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.The ground shook, trembled and shivered under our paws as we crossed border after border, crossed pack ground after pack ground. Yet nobody tried to stop us, nobody got in our way it was like our escape had spread like wild fire. Once or twice werewolf patrols would back away when our large group of Lycans passed. If people didn't know they will soon find out. 

The Lycans are back and this time we are fighting. 

A lot of people wondered why we never fought back before, we did, we tried to fight but each and every time we were overpowered, ambushed, trapped,betrayed and unprepared. They never attacked us on our days of celebration when we were on high alert, no they just attacked in the middle of the day, while we were doing normal day to day things. A lot of the time our neighboring werewolf packs would join the Dark Ash Pack and kill us, people we trusted. Lycans may be more advanced but we weren't even half of their population. Zeke suddenly stopped in front of me and I copied, his luminous pale, yellow eyes darted to me and he winked before he threw his head back and let out a howl. It was thunderous and proud, one by one the other Lycans joined Zeke in his howl and finally I found myself finally letting it go. Every single Lycan howled and it was probably a terrifying sight for others but for us this was powerful, this was how we showed unity. Zeke dropped his head and we all fell quiet and not even a split second later howl started to answer us, my heart beat escalated and I glanced at him and he gave me a wolfy smirk before taking off again. I knew there were more but every time I saw more I grew even more ecstatic. 

I darted off and flew straight past Zeke who growled playfully behind me and nipped at my tail, I whimpered jokingly and increased my speed, Grey was soaking up every bit of this, every single bit. It made my heart swell to feel how overjoyed she was, how she felt one with the others. There was no binding ceremony, there was no joining ritual, we were a pack. No tradition, no ritual or silly speech could join us more than suffering could. Sometimes people needed to go through horrible things to realize what we had, to realize what we could loose and that's what happened to us. The Lycans. For decades we were suffering the loss of our people, for decades we were loosing everything, because we forgot. We forgot what we had, we forgot how to be a pack, how to be one. But things were going to change now, I felt it in the air, I felt it in my bones, things were changing. We were remembering and now that we remembered we weren't ever going to forget. Zeke nipped at my tail and I turned back to face him, he shifted and I followed, I watched as one by one the others shifted too. 

"Are you ready for this, are you ready to meet home?" he asked softly and I nodded, not sure why he sounded so hesitant. 

"Kota, this is our pack grounds, since our pack was destroyed last they had a bit of mercy on the territory. Our home was in the best condition" he whispered and my heart sank, I was home. This was the pack grounds where I grew up, looking up I took in the big oak trees around me and my heart beat escalated. 

"There's something else you need to know" he said and I looked at him again.

"What?" I asked softly. 

"I'm not the only Alpha left Dakota" he said and my heart stopped. 

"Can we not do this right now?" I whispered and he nodded. 

"Sure, I was just giving you a heads up, you will most likely be cho-"

"Zeke, please"

"Sorry" he said softly and I nodded. 

"But don't let that distract you, let's go" he grabbed my hand and then he pushed through the trees and for the first time in fourteen years I was home. 

"Welcome home Dakota" he said as we stopped in front of the medium sized wooden cabin and my heart stopped. This was what was left over from my pack house? This was it? People started coming out of the house and soon six people were standing in front of us. Their eyes grew as the eighty Lycans we rescued gathered behind us. 

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