Dying mates and uniting people(18)

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Zeke was getting irritated and antsy as we waited for Elliot and Mitchell to return, judging by the moon's position it is very late at night or really early in the morning. Now, was the perfect time to go, because the people will be asleep and not as alert. I was just about to sigh softly when, a twig snapped softly behind us, I whirled around and glared at Mitchell who held his hands up as he appeared. 

"It's only me relax, Elliot is right behind me. They only replace each other every hour, they just swapped as I left so I suggest we go now" He said and Zeke nodded. 

"Hi, right so they've added two more men but it's okay, they seem a bit tipsy. So what's the plan are we killing them or just snapping necks?" he asked and I snorted.

"Killing them" i said just as Zeke said "snapping necks".

"No, we need to-"

"Dakota I know you want to see their blood spill and you will, just not tonight, okay?" Zeke asked softly and I sighed.


"Right so Elliot and I will go around the back, Mitchell and Dakota go to the front. Mitchell you stay outside and keep watch as Dakota goes in and gets the others out, Elliot you will go in through the back as I watch outside. Got it?" Zeke asked and we nodded.

"Be quiet, be fast and be alert" was all he said as he and Elliot took off.

"Come on Kota and keep up okay?" Mitchell smirked and I grinned. We shifted at the same time and slowly leopard crawled over the hill, once at the top we had a clear view of the building and I could see the men standing outside, some where chatting to each other. Mitchell nudged me in the shoulder and we shifted.

"Okay I'll go to the right and you go to the left, go in for the kill, don't stop okay, you can take them Dakota. Tap into Grey's power and use it" he said and I nodded.

"I know how to use her" I rolled my eyes.

"I know" he smirked and then he shifted again. I'm asking him how he knew that right after this. We went our separate ways and with each step I took my anger grew and as my anger grew my power grew. I shifted a few feet away from the first guy and smirked at him as he stared off into the night unaware of the danger lurking between the shadows. Rolling my shoulders I sprinted towards him, my feet light and quick, he only realized he was in danger when my hands gripped around his neck and by then it was to late. Pushing his head into an awkward angle with a lot of strength, I snapped his neck and the cracking sound slashed through the air as he fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes. The other guard a few feet off heard the crack but I expected this and was already on the move when he turned. Again he only realized what was happening when my hands wrapped around his neck and I smirked into his eyes. He shared the same fate as the man before him and he too fell to the ground. Luckily the next target was out of hearing range and I could creep up to him, unfortunately this time the woman heard me and she turned around. 

"Who the fuck are you!" she snapped and I grinned devilishly.

"I could as you the same thing, I'm supposed to relieve Greg who are you!" I growled successfully confusing her. She was about to ask me again when I sprinted forwards and tackling her to the ground. She thrashed around me and was about to scream when I snapped her neck as well. This was so easy, pathetic wolves. I got up and dusted myself off, the scent of blood quite my attention and I noticed that she had cut my arm with her claws. Growling I kicked her hand away from me as I made my way to the next person. 

I glanced into the darkness and found the guy smoking a few feet away into the darkness, grinning I felt Grey take over as she crept up behind him. We were silently moving along the shadows blending into the silence. We came to a stop right behind him. 

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