Chapter 1 - Rumpelstiltskin's Daughter

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(A/N) - This is something that I have always thought of when I watch Once Upon A Time. Please enjoy, I'll try to start each with what episode it is from.

Season 1 - Episode 2

"It's just us, dearie," Rumpelstiltskin says, "You can show yourself." 

A puff of smoke comes from a mouse on the ground. The cloud soon clears to reveal Regina, the Evil Queen.

"That curse you gave me, it's not working," she says bluntly.

"Oh, so worried." He mocks her silly. "Just like Snow and her lovely new husband."


"They paid me a visit as well," he explains approaching his cell bars. "They were very anxious about you and the curse."

"What did you tell them?" Regina asks as she approaches his cell bars. She is now inches away from the Dark One's face.

He replies, "The truth - that nothing can stop the darkness." He pauses and then continues. "Except of course, their unborn child. You see, no matter how powerful, all curses can be broken." They both smile at each other. "Their child is the key." His mockery continues, "Of course the curse has to be enacted first."

Blunt as ever, Regina exclaims, "Tell me what I did wrong." 

"For that, there'a price."

"What do you want?"

"Simple," Rumpelstiltskin explains, "In this new land, I want comfort. I want a good life."

"Fine. You'll have an estate, be rich," Regina interrupts him.

"I wasn't finished," he says annoyingly. "There's more."

"There always is with you," Regina replies (with what the audience is all thinking).

"Yeah. In this new land, should I ever come to you for any reason, you must heed my every request. You must do whatever I say so long as I just say please." He gives a silent laugh.

"You realize that should I succeed, you won't remember any of this?" She reminds him.

"Oh, well, then..." replying while looking behind her, "What's the harm?"


Rumpelstiltskin snorts and backs away from her. "What must I do to enact the curse?" she says.

"You need to sacrifice a heart," he tells her.

"I sacrificed my prized steed." Regina reminds her old teacher.

Suddenly, Rumpelstiltskin lunges at the Evil Queen. He grabs her face. She grunts as he says, "A horse? This is the curse to end all curses. You think a horse is gonna do? Great power requires great sacrifice. My daughter understood that when she was even younger than you. The heart you need must come from something far more precious."

"Tell me what will suffice," Regina commands.

Rumpelstiltskin smiles and speaks softly now. "The heart of the thing you love most."

Regina pulls away from Rumple angrily. "What I love most died because of Snow White."

Rumple pets her cheek with one of his golden fingers. "Is there no one else you truly love?" Rumples asks in a childish accent.

Both stay silent for a moment. Regina then says, "Both of them are truly immortal, I cannot and will not sacrifice them."

"Sadly, the curse has an exception for their situation." Rumpelstiltskin pauses as he turns his head to the side. "This curse isn't going to be easy. Vengeance never is, dearie. You have to ask yourself a simple question - How far are you willing to go?"

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