Chapter 14: Forced to Help

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Peter's POV: In the Enchanted Forest

I now knew what Raven was so afraid of. I cradled her in my arms. Felix stood next to us in his werewolf form, with Raven's twin brother unconscious on his back. I stared at my unconscious girlfriend. The attack really took it out of her. 'Or maybe, that took it out of her,' Felix telepathically said to me. He pointed his muzzle at the Vampire Castle. Blue flames engulfed the entire building. The Vampire Castle was in ruins.

Third Person POV: At the Sheriff's Station

Emma is taking mugshots of Mary Margaret. Mary Margaret is trying to convince Emma that she did not kill Kathryn. Raven sits on the sofa watching them argue. "Of course you didn't," Emma explains, "But not only am I your friend, but I'm the sheriff and I have to go where the evidence leads."

"Which points to me?" Mary Margaret yells. "Emma, yesterday it was David. There's something not right here." 

"I know," Emma says, "but your fingerprints were on that box, and his are not, so now we have to deal with..."

"This," Raven finishes her sentence. Her stomach growls and she strains. She begins to reach into her pocket to grab the vervain shot she kept with her. 'Don't,' Riker tells her. After a moment of unsure silence between necklace and wearer, Riker explains, 'We can stop by the hospital if we go out.' Raven sits up straight and thinks, 'It feels like I'm eating for my brother. I wonder if he's been getting enough to eat.' Raven sighs; she hasn't seen her brother in over thirty years. 

"Evidence that says I cut out Kathryn's heart." Mary Margaret pauses for a dramatic breath. "And buried it in the woods? It's insane."

"Yeah, you should have burned it." Raven sniffs through her nose. "Gonna smell like barbecue." Raven looks at her friends, who are giving her weird looks. "Don't look at me like that. It's rude to stare at a sick individual." Riker snickers, 'Sick in the head, that's for sure.' Raven looks down at her pendant. 'Shut it before I drown you in jewelry polish,' she yells in her head.

"If I don't book you with all this evidence, it's gonna look like favoritism," Emma explains. 

"And then Regina will have cause and will fire you, and then she'll put someone in the office who will railroad you, Mary Margaret," Raven interrupts.

Emma nods, "About sums it up." Mary Margaret looks around shocked. "So please," Emma begs, "Just try to be patient and trust us." Emma looks at Raven. She nods in response. "We can't even move forward until we find out if the heart belonged to Kathryn." 

"And the D.N.A. test results haven't come back," Raven says looking at her phone. Raven stands and walks over to the young school teacher. "In the meantime, my friend, you need to bear with us."

Emma nods and says, "We have to ask you a few questions." They walk over to the office as Mary Margaret complains about how crazy the whole thing is. 

Raven grabs Emma and whispers, "Hey, I'm not feeling to well. I'm gonna go see Doctor Wale real quick." 

Emma nods. "Just hurry back," she exclaims, "I need you for this."

Raven's POV: In the Dark Castle

I woke up slowly, seeing Peter next to me. He smiled and pet my hair. "Hello, my love," he said. I smile sleepily, looking next to me. I saw a male version of my face looking back at me. I tried to sit up slowly with Peter's help. When I look around, I saw we were in my room in the Dark Castle. Rumpelstiltskin probably wasn't happy to find Peter on his doorstep.

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