Chapter 19: Raven's Dark Desire

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Third Person POV: Regina's Dream

Regina and Henry sit down at the dinner table. The doorbell soon rings. "I did not think we were expecting any company," Regina says. She stands up and heads to the door. She opens to see Emma and Raven. "Sheriff Swan, Deputy Arius," Regina exclaims, "What are you two doing here?"

"Henry invited us," Emma replies.

"Do you honestly believe I'd allow either of you into my house for dinner after all the threats you made to my family?" Regina asks angrily.

"I didn't come for dinner," Emma answers. "Raven did." Raven smiles a fanged smile, eyes blazing.

"Then what did you come for?" the Mayor asks.

"You," Emma says. Regina turns around to find Henry disappeared. She turns back around to see Emma, Raven, Mary Margaret, Leroy, David, Ruby, Granny, and Dr. Hopper standing outside. "We all did." Regina turns to run, but Raven stops her. She wrapped her hand around Regina's throat and hissed. Henry stands next to her with rope.

"No, No! Let me go!" Regina shouts as Hopper and Ruby tie her to a tree. "I command it."

"After everything you've done to all of us?!" Ruby yells.

Hopper exclaims, "My apologies, Your Majesty, but my conscience is clear!"

"Your not queen anymore, sister!" Leroy shouts.

Granny yells, "Tighter! She needs to feel our pain!"

"You took our love and ripped it apart!" Mary Margaret says.

David yells, "And now you're gonna pay!"

Emma picks an apple from the tree Regina is tied to. She crushes it in her hand. Black goo drips from it. "Rotten to the core," Emma states.

Regina cries, "I just wanted to win for once."

Raven walks out in the middle of the crowd. "How can you win? When the greatest win you ever had in your life..."

A man steps out behind Raven. Regina stares at him. He is Raven's mirror image with more Daniel than her daughter. " gave them away," he finishes his sister's sentence.

"My son..." Regina whimpers, "Raven..." Both twins flash their fangs and hiss. Raven's necklace turns into her sword. Her brother's ring turns into a scythe.

Henry walks up to Regina. "Please," Regina begs her youngest son. "Henry, don't let them do this to me."

"You did this to yourself," Henry says as the twins raise their weapons. They bring them towards their mother and...


Regina bolts upright from the nightmare. Her breaths are heavy with fear. She runs into Henry's room. She spots a child-like lump on the bed. She leans against the door in relief. Regina leaves her son's room, not knowing he was off somewhere else entirely.

Raven's POV: In the Alley

Suddenly, I get a sense of danger. I wake up, still dazed from the vervain. "E...Emma..." I stutter as I lift myself up. I look up at the red highlights of Ruby.

"Are you alright?" she asks, "What happened?" I turn and look at the briefcase. It is open and one of the syringes lay empty next to it. 'Emma knows,' Riker exclaims, 'She left to get Henry.'

I turn my gaze up to Ruby. "Emma knows," I state. Ruby's expression changes from concerned to shocked in a matter of seconds. The danger sense rushes through me again. I look down and say, "Henry." I swiftly turn into bats to find him.

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